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One Earth Wisdom

Our Response

As a Virtual EcoDharma Center, our principal offering is the wisdom teachings and practices that support turning towards the reality of our situation and cultivating appropriate response. Guided by a teaching council representing several Buddhist traditions, we offer core programs such as the EcoSattva Training as well as EcoDharma articles curated from around the web by our editorial team.

Our offerings regularly integrate an understanding of how other social movements including racial and economic justice inform, support and compliment ecological concerns. Through a steady flow of insights, reflections, practices and fresh perspectives, we support our membership in developing a stable, rational and compassionate response to our collective challenges.

We invite you to explore and take part in our EcoDharma offerings, highlighted below.

To learn more about our response to this ever-changing and enormous challenge, see About Us.

We can meet our eco-anxiety and soothe the suffering we find there. Yet we need not be ruled by fear.

Cornerstone EcoDharma


A Cosmic Nudge to Reimagine Ourselves

The natural and social systems that sustain us are losing their stability, observes Joanna Macy. This state of bardo, or transition, can be painful and frightening—but if we face the reality of collapse and cultivate inner stability, we can find the courage to faithfully serve all that we love.

Land-Based Ethics and Settler Solidarity in a Time of Corona and Revolution

We live in the legacy of colonialism, a human-, white-, and settler-centered view of reality. Buddhist scholar Natalie Avalos shows us how Indigenous and Dharma wisdom call us to live in Right Relationship with Earth and all beings.
As another year fraught with uncertainty and peril draws to a close, Roshi Joan Halifax explores the power of wise hope, free from attachment, to bolster our engaged practice.

Updated for 2023/2024

The EcoSattva Training

Join us in a Course to Cultivate Wisdom, Connection, and Compassionate Action

EST Tree
A Brave and Tender Reckoning

“For anyone who’s yearning for a way to meet the often agonizing challenges of this time with a clear mind, a steady heart, a resilient body and a ferocious spirit, One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training is a beautifully-designed and meticulously-crafted container.”

Registration is now open for groups and individuals.

Featured EcoDharma

We all have an inner labyrinth of grief and rage. How to find our way through? Kritee Kanko offers the wisdom of togetherness.

Recent EcoDharma


An Interview with Bhikkhu Bodhi

What are the latent potentialities of the Dhamma for our deep troubles today? Bhikku Bodhi offers visions of an alive Dhamma responsive and evolving to a world in crisis.

Buddhism, Social Change, and Skillful Means

How does our Dharma practice call us into politics and shape our engagement? While we no longer live in the moment of Occupy and the Tea Party movements, the words of David Loy, Mushim Patricia Ikeda, and Joan Suthlerland speak powerfully to this moment of 2024.

On Not Turning Away from Other-than-Human Loss

Unexpected teachers in our daily lives offer timeless lessons in the dharma—if we suspend judgement, open the heart, and look long enough to listen.


Feeling in need of an energetic tune-up? Lama Rod Owens guides us through an attunement practice to the four elements within our Earth-based bodies.
Acknowledging all that binds you and a tree together within a shared biosphere, see what emerges as you hold an intention to simply be in the presence of a tree.
What happens when we recognize that the very substances and processes of this being human reflect our grand belonging to this world?

Response from a Climate Therapist

How do we relate to grief that is not yet here? A climate therapist responds to the suffering of anticipated distress.

Rather than merely giving up something we want, renunciation chooses what is more valuable.

Creative Offerings

In honour of Earth Day 2024, we share this exquisite poem reminding us that we utterly belong to this world, its beauty and its losses.
Amidst eco/social crises, and for this ever widening sense of self, Carolyn Chilton Casas invites us to both stay connected and let go.
For everyone who aches for peace, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer shares this poem.
This poem by Emilie Lygren invites us to relax our vigilance—just for a moment.