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Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path


Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Beyond hope and hopelessness, how is the world calling us to emerge?
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The following article is from our collection of Cornerstone pieces. You can find them all here.


“The crisis itself is both the mistake we’ve made but it also becomes an opportunity for our awakening.”

“Thích Nhất Hạnh said, when he was asked what’s the most important thing we can do for the sake of life on Earth … he didn’t go strategic at all, he said, What we most need to do is hear within ourselves the sounds of the Earth crying.”

“Maybe the first step on the way to awakening is the simple act of being glad to be alive. What a magic that is.”

“When you’re in the middle of a big adventure you don’t have time to decide if you’re hopeful or hopeless … we just got a job to do … all your energy should be right here in the moment.”

“The greatest gift we can give our world is our full presence, and our choice moment by moment to be present, to stay open.”

The full transcript can be found here.

Picture of Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy, PhD is a scholar of Buddhism, systems theory and deep ecology. A respected voice in the movements for peace, justice and ecology, she gives trainings worldwide for eco-warriors and activists for global justice. As the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, she has created a ground-breaking theoretical framework for personal and social change. Her books include World as Lover, World as Self, Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World and A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Times. Her website is
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