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Join Our Team

Opening our hearts to the reality of climate change is by itself a courageous practice, perhaps even radical action in a predominant culture that trains us not to be connected to our suffering. It takes courage to turn our purposeful attention towards the issue of global climate change during a time when this is uncomfortable, uncertain and unpopular. Your willingness is the stuff of transformation. Whether we work together on the One Earth Sangha project or not, we are already in sangha with you.

What follows below will orient you to our current needs, give you information about what might be involved and let you know how to follow up with us.

We have identified what we think are a number of exciting opportunities with various levels of qualifications and time requirements. Some positions we can wait to fill; others are needed right away. We’re looking to build a solid team with realistic time commitments and clear roles. We’ll be focused on our tasks but also connecting to one another.

As we aspire to build a vibrant, diverse community fully engaged on climate change, all positions call for awareness of the dynamics of privilege (racial, economic, geographic, citizen status, physical abilities, etc.). While you might not have much experience with this topic, qualified candidates will be open to and interested in that ongoing conversation. We also have the intention of connecting to joy, as action in service of life has a way of relieving anxiety. Most of all, we wish to view our work together as practice.


EcoDharma Content Manager (Staff)

Part-Time Staff (12-18 hrs/wk) Part of our mission involves sensing the potential of EcoDharma, its callings, resonances, tensions, and possible responses. Our communications and programs all emerge from this place. We are looking for a content manager who can help us convey the richness of ecological Dharma through the written word as well as collaborate in the design of powerful programs.

Applications for this position are now closed. We will reopen this application when necessary.

Web and Data Solutions Specialist (Staff)

Part-Time Staff (12-18 hrs/wk) Technology is the backbone of our Virtual EcoDharma center. We are looking for someone with an affinity for data flows and technology along with the desire to use your skills for meaningful work. Help us build powerful, friendly solutions for our team, our Sangha, and the Earth.

Applications for this position are now closed. We will reopen this application when necessary.

Video Editor (Volunteer)

Volunteer (1-3 hrs/wk)

Between our EcoSattva Training, EcoDharma Explorations, and other EcoDharma offerings, One Earth Sangha creates and curates a large number of videos. In an online setting, the video experience plays an essential role in the way that EcoDharma and community are shared. Help us craft this vital element of our mission.

Learn More and Apply


How to Apply

If any of these opportunities sound like a good fit for your interests, skills and availability, we’ll be excited to hear from you. Use the “Learn More and Apply” button under the role that interests you to view position details and access our application form.

If it looks like there is a mutual fit, we’ll get back to you in order to continue the conversation. Regardless, we thank you for your expression of love for the Earth and for your interest in joining us on this path. May you know your belonging to all of life. May you rest in natural and great peace.

One Response

  1. The Nature Summit is fantastic! I bought it and just watched Mark’s interview with Kristen Barker and feel moved to get involved, to DO something for our increasingly chaotic world, our failing ecosystems, animals, flora, fauna, flowers, trees, rivers, streams. One voice isn’t an army but an army of “one voice” can move mountains.
    Count me IN!

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