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Re-establishing Healthy Attachment
with Mother Earth

Jessica Morey, meditation teacher and founder of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, led this EcoDharma Exploration on January 28, 2024. A recording is available below. We welcome your support for this program.

Healthy attachment is an emotional bond that forms with our primary caregivers (rather than the root-of-suffering kind of attachment often highlighted in Buddhist teachings). This is an evolutionarily vital kind of attachment that helps human infants to survive. Securely attached children feel protected, supported and connected. Securely attached adults are resilient, compassionate and collaborative. In this session, participants explored re-establishing this kind of relationship with the earth as a foundation for our eco-activism.

This exploration took place on January 28, 2024. You can find the recording of this event below.

Susie Harrington

Jessica Morey is a meditation teacher and coach. She has been practicing meditation for three decades. She began her practice on teen retreats at the Insight Meditation Society and graduated from the IMS teacher training program in 2021. She brings a sense of playfulness and care to her teaching and focuses on how we can bring our meditation practice off the cushion into our relationships and work. Jess studied engineering and worked in clean energy finance before founding Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, a nonprofit organization bringing youth in-depth mindfulness and compassion training.

Support this Offering

One Earth Sangha and our featured speakers offer these explorations on a donation basis, with no required registration fee. We invite you to participate in the tradition of offering dana, or generosity. Your support makes these gatherings possible, and any amount offered is greatly appreciated.

Support Jessica Morey

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Inquiries for Group Discussion

  • Which of these attachment patterns feels most familiar to you? Which of the good enough parenting qualities feels hardest to imagine for you or feels like a deficit in you?
  • How would you show up differently in your eco activism if you felt deeply grounded in this kind of securely intimate relationship with the earth?

Additional Resources

  • Jessie shared about mourning/grief and how that shapes our relationship to Mother Earth. She offers a resource adapted from Francis Weller‘s Five Gates of Grief as a roadmap and guidepost for navigating grief.
  • Check out Jessie’s upcoming offering Contemplative Semester, happening this Fall.
  • You can find more of Jessie’s offerings and subscribe to updates on her website.

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