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Upcoming Events from Our Networks

One Earth Sangha shares local and online events from around the world that express a Buddhist / mindfulness response to ecological crises.

If you would like to suggest an event for inclusion, use the "Contact Us" link in the footer to let us know.

A Community Program on Palestine/Israel (Session 1 of 3)

Join Ronya Banks and Donald Rothberg for a series of three online programs designed to support you and other members of our greater sangha in responding to the crisis in Israel/Palestine with greater empathy, care, and grounding in our teachings and practices.

With Hoka Iris Dotan Katz, Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne and Tani Katz

Dr. Ariyaratne was one of the most important leaders of engaged Buddhism in the world. In this upcoming event Iris Dotan Katz will present Ariyaratne's vision and practice, share from her personal experience and work with him, and invite Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne (Ari's son and the leader of Sarvodaya movement) and Tani Katz to share their own experience and work as well.

BIPOC Practice Series with Lama Rod Owens

Join Lama Rod at the intersection of multiple traditions, including Tantric Buddhism and indigenous shamanic ritual, which can support your protection, heart-opening, and grief work as you surrender to the care of the ancestors.

A Community Program on Palestine/Israel (Session 2 of 3)

Join Ronya Banks and Donald Rothberg for a series of three online programs designed to support you and other members of our greater sangha in responding to the crisis in Israel/Palestine with greater empathy, care, and grounding in our teachings and practices. You may register for one, two, or all three sessions.
During this retreat, mindfulness communities and friends from across North America gather to honor the Earth, practice the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Plum Village tradition of Engaged Buddhism, and build a beloved community.

Offered by Gil Fronsdal, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Susie Harrington, Ram Appalaraju, and Kirsten Rudestam

This program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain. The program includes online and residential retreats.

Exploring the Intersection of Insight Dialogue and Ecodharma

Join Lama Willa and Insight Dialogue teacher Jan Surrey in a weekend retreat exploring how human and more-than-human relationships enhance our cultivation of mindfulness, compassion and intimacy in the service of human awakening.

A Community Program on Palestine/Israel (Session 3 of 3)

Join Ronya Banks and Donald Rothberg for a series of three online programs designed to support you and other members of our greater sangha in responding to the crisis in Israel/Palestine with greater empathy, care, and grounding in our teachings and practices. You may register for one, two, or all three sessions.

Provocations and Possibilities for Practitioners

How does the Dharma call us to respond to our ecological reality? Kristin Barker and Adam Lobel lead this in-person retreat for practitioners who wish to discover and develop their own EcoDharma.

With Mark Coleman

The Awake in the Wild Teacher Training is an in-depth facilitator training in nature meditation. The training is inspired by Mark Coleman’s nature meditation wilderness retreats that he has been leading internationally for over twenty years. Early Bird Pricing through Nov 30, 2023.