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In Search of Enduring Sangha

One Earth Sangha assistant director Tashi Black facilitated this community-focused EcoDharma Exploration on August 27, 2023. A recording is available below. We welcome your support for this program.

© Raymond Ling from Flickr

We aren’t made to go it alone. For effective ecological engagement, for a nourishing spiritual path, and for basic human thriving, community is crucial.

Why, then, can it be so difficult to find or build community around ecological practice? What gets in our way, keeping us siloed even as we might want to connect with others? Conversely, what might inspire us to come together in ways that strengthen our collective response?

This EcoDharma Exploration took place on August 27, 2023. You can find the recording of this event below.

Tashi Gatön

Tashi Black is the assistant director of One Earth Sangha. He has been a Buddhist practitioner since 2015, and he spent 18 months as a temporary monastic at Gampo Abbey. His practice has helped him recognize the awesome magnitude of the ecological crisis, as well as its deep interpenetration with racial, gender, economic, and other forms of injustice. He is most interested in person-to-person transformation of ecological and social consciousness, as well as the great spiritual potential of this radically uncertain time. Tashi received his Bachelor’s in East Asian Studies from Wesleyan University, and he spent three years teaching English in Japan, where he fell in love with the landscape of rural Tokushima. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Support this Offering

One Earth Sangha and our featured speakers offer these explorations on a donation basis, with no required registration fee. We invite you to participate in the tradition of offering dana, or generosity. Your support makes these gatherings possible, and any amount offered is greatly appreciated.

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