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Our actions for the world are prayers: implicitly relevant, meaningful, and impermanent.

Welcome to One Earth Sangha, a virtual EcoDharma center supporting a global community in the Path of Engaged Practice.

As ten thousand years of climate stability is ending, the call to develop inner stability has never been more clear.

Announcing a new offering for 2024:

Provocations and Possibilities for Practitioners

How does the Dharma call us to respond to our ecological reality? Kristin Barker and Adam Lobel lead this in-person retreat for practitioners who wish to discover and develop their own EcoDharma.

Updated for 2023/2024

The EcoSattva Training

Join us in a Course to Cultivate Wisdom, Connection, and Compassionate Action

EST Tree
A Brave and Tender Reckoning

“For anyone who’s yearning for a way to meet the often agonizing challenges of this time with a clear mind, a steady heart, a resilient body and a ferocious spirit, One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training is a beautifully-designed and meticulously-crafted container.”

Registration is now open for groups and individuals.

The Path of Engaged Practice is itself made sustainable by compassion, commitment and community.

Events from Our Networks

Offered by Gil Fronsdal, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Susie Harrington, Ram Appalaraju, and Kirsten Rudestam

This program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain. The program includes online and residential retreats.

A Community Program on Palestine/Israel (Session 1 of 3)

Join Ronya Banks and Donald Rothberg for a series of three online programs designed to support you and other members of our greater sangha in responding to the crisis in Israel/Palestine with greater empathy, care, and grounding in our teachings and practices.

With Hoka Iris Dotan Katz, Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne and Tani Katz

Dr. Ariyaratne was one of the most important leaders of engaged Buddhism in the world. In this upcoming event Iris Dotan Katz will present Ariyaratne's vision and practice, share from her personal experience and work with him, and invite Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne (Ari's son and the leader of Sarvodaya movement) and Tani Katz to share their own experience and work as well.

BIPOC Practice Series with Lama Rod Owens

Join Lama Rod at the intersection of multiple traditions, including Tantric Buddhism and indigenous shamanic ritual, which can support your protection, heart-opening, and grief work as you surrender to the care of the ancestors.

Campaigns for Action


Regenerative Solutions for the Living Earth Community

Regeneration Nexus is a database of ecological solutions that aim to nourish and regenerate broader systems within the living Earth community while reducing warming.

There is a way to be a human being
that causes all life to thrive.

— Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)

Featured Action Organizations

  • Climate Cardinals is an international youth-led nonprofit working to make the climate movement more accessible to those who don’t speak English, ensuring that knowledge about this emergency is accessible to all.
  • The Cultural Conservancy is a Native-led organization that works with Indigenous communities throughout Turtle Island and Abya Yala (the Americas) and Moananuiākea (the Pacific) to protect and restore Indigenous cultures, empowering them in the direct application of traditional knowledge and practices on their ancestral lands.
  • Flock Together is a birdwatching collective for people of color in the UK. They aim to reclaim green spaces and help people of color rebuild a relationship with natural spaces they’ve too often felt marginalized from.

Explore Buddhist and Interfaith Organizations


“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” -Angela Davis


Featured Calls to Action

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, urge your government, especially if you are in the United States, to insist on a permanent ceasefire. If you are in Canada, call for an immediate arms embargo, and endorse the latest ICJ Ruling in standing with international law. You can also support Support Standing Together, Combatants for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), BuildPalestine, all grassroots movements mobilizing for peace, equality, and justice. For more resources on mobilizing your community, check out the Action Toolkit by US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

  • Talking with children about climate change can be daunting, but seeing how climate change is already shaping the future the next generation will inherit, it is necessary and responsible. If you feel called to connect with children about climate change, check out this guide from Project Drawdown for some suggestions about broaching the subject.
  • If you are interested in learning more about the ecological and social impacts of aviation, a just transition of the aviation sector and would like to explore how narratives around aviation can be better communicated, join Stay Grounded’s upcoming online training beginning taking place in September (register before August 15).
  • US: Support Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) and join the group in an upcoming in-person forum “Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions”  on September 25
  • Canada: Urge the federal government to implement an emergency order to protect Salish Sea orcas.
  • See all action opportunities.