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Post Details

In the “Related” list, draft posts are italicized


Status: publish (text editor)


  1. The Elephant in the Dharma Hall ( EcoDharma economics, ethics)
  2. The Seagull Sutta ( EcoDharma buddhadharma, ways of looking)
  3. Solidarity with the Besieged ( EcoDharma ethics, justice, radical compassion)
  4. By Love Alone ( EcoDharma ethics, justice, radical compassion)
  5. Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path ( EcoDharma courage, eco-distress, generosity)
  6. Evolving EcoDharma ( EcoDharma buddhadharma, deep ecology, living earth community)
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. To What Am I Committed? ( Practice embodiment)
  2. Our Animal Nature ( EcoDharma embodiment)
  3. Hearing, Inside Ourselves, the Sounds of the Earth Crying ( EcoDharma embodiment, living earth community)
  4. The News ( Creative eco-distress, embodiment)
  5. It Is Here We Awaken ( EcoDharma embodiment)
  6. Lessons from a Solstice ( Practice embodiment, living earth community)
(Part 1 - Introduction)
Status: publish (text editor)


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Status: publish (text editor)


  1. May Morning ( Creative Earth Day, living earth community)
  2. Loving the Earth ( Practice living earth community, meditative practice in nature)
  3. All My Relations ( EcoDharma deep ecology, living earth community)
  4. Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path ( EcoDharma courage, eco-distress, generosity)
  5. Evolving EcoDharma ( EcoDharma buddhadharma, deep ecology, living earth community)
  6. Hearing, Inside Ourselves, the Sounds of the Earth Crying ( EcoDharma embodiment, living earth community)
Lessons for the Hindukush Himalayas from Ladakh’s Climate Leadership
Status: publish (text editor)


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-- No related posts --


Status: publish (text editor)


  1. Spiritual Reflection, Practices, and Resilience ( EcoDharma ecosattva, radical compassion)
  2. Embodying Equanimity and Fierce Compassion ( EcoDharma ecosattva, radical compassion)
  3. The Angel Out Ahead ( EcoDharma ecosattva, ways of looking)
  4. Bodhisattva Vows in a Troubled World ( EcoDharma ecosattva)
  5. Uncertainty and Possibility ( EcoDharma courage, ecosattva, resilience)
  6. A Gathering in the Woods ( EcoDharma ecosattva, stories of community)
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. Skillful Conversations ( EcoDharma action pathway, Earth Day, eco-distress, listening)
  2. Ocean Love ( Creative generosity, living earth community)
  3. Loving the Earth ( Practice living earth community, meditative practice in nature)
  4. All My Relations ( EcoDharma deep ecology, living earth community)
  5. Evolving EcoDharma ( EcoDharma buddhadharma, deep ecology, living earth community)
  6. Hearing, Inside Ourselves, the Sounds of the Earth Crying ( EcoDharma embodiment, living earth community)
Talking About our Earth and Ecological Crises
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. May Morning ( Creative Earth Day, living earth community)
  2. Urgency and the Call to Rest ( EcoDharma eco-distress, resilience)
  3. The Sacred Work of Listening, Loving, and Responding ( EcoDharma listening)
  4. Facing the Climate Crisis Together ( EcoDharma eco-distress, stories of community)
  5. Befriending ( Practice eco-distress)
  6. Common Ground ( Campaign action pathway, food, interfaith)
Embodying the Values that We Profess
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. Skillful Conversations ( EcoDharma action pathway, Earth Day, eco-distress, listening)
  2. What It All Comes Down To ( Creative Equanimity, resilience)
  3. Facing the Climate Crisis Together ( EcoDharma eco-distress, stories of community)
  4. Befriending ( Practice eco-distress)
  5. Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path ( EcoDharma courage, eco-distress, generosity)
  6. On the Other Side of Anger Is … ( Practice eco-distress, radical compassion)
Eco-Chaplaincy as Compassion in Action
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. Skillful Conversations ( EcoDharma action pathway, Earth Day, eco-distress, listening)
  2. Dharma Teaching and Dharma Values in the Age of Climate Change ( EcoDharma listening, spiritual bypass)
  3. Ecological Loneliness ( EcoDharma eco-distress, listening)
  4. I Vow to Be Political ( EcoDharma justice, listening, stories of engagement, ways of looking)
  5. Deafening Silence ( EcoDharma listening, spiritual bypass)
  6. Beyond Hope or Despair ( EcoDharma listening, radical compassion)
Status: publish (text editor)


  1. May Morning ( Creative Earth Day, living earth community)
  2. Ocean Love ( Creative generosity, living earth community)
  3. All My Relations ( EcoDharma deep ecology, living earth community)
  4. Evolving EcoDharma ( EcoDharma buddhadharma, deep ecology, living earth community)
  5. Hearing, Inside Ourselves, the Sounds of the Earth Crying ( EcoDharma embodiment, living earth community)
  6. Eco-Tonglen ( Practice living earth community)