
No Time to Lose

Young people are voicing grief about the loss of their world—and organizing to stop it. Kirsten Rudestam, a young dharma teacher herself, asks us to heed their calls.
As racial justice protests swell, compounding the COVID-19 crisis that can already feel overwhelming, the Dharma continues to offer perspectives and practices to help us navigate these samsaric waters.

No Time to Lose

How do we navigate the intersecting griefs of personal loss and centuries of systemic racial oppression? Belvie Rooks's journey toward healing shines a powerful light amid the darkness of state violence and ecological destruction.
Recent events of racial violence by state actors reveal but one aspect of the tendency towards domination that is latent in our culture. Our work to end ecological devastation then necessarily includes the eradication of the persistent, shape-shifting, and devastating pattern of white supremacy, starting with our own minds.

In Service to a Suffering World

"The growing field of eco-chaplaincy reflects the increasing awareness that our care and attention must extend beyond the human.” The directors of a new Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training Program at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies aspire to cultivate the chaplains who bring compassionate response to all of nature.
Lama Willa Miller reflects on how the coronavirus she calls a Dark Goddess has shattered our illusions of separateness in a world where everything leans. “Yours is a long song of interbeing.”
Dharma teacher, author, and activist Thanissara takes us on a shaman’s journey to face the ferocious gaze of the corona god who has emerged from the netherworld and thrown us into the in-between.

Declare Climate Emergency Now

Initiated by Buddhist Minister, climate activist, and author Thanissara in collaboration with One Earth Sangha and a network of Dharma and activist friends, this is a call to declare a climate emergency, at all levels of society, now.
Workers in any industry ought not be forced to choose between physical and financial health. And within the meat-packing industry, what of the brutal cost to animals of returning this sector to "normal"? Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi examines the layers of perverted value in a recent Trump Administration decision.
How historic is this current moment of disruption? Will we forever talk about life BCV and ACV—before corona virus and after corona virus? And what does it teach us about climate change?