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EcoSattva Training – Live Monthly Gatherings

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You are not yet registered for the current series of the EcoSattva Training. You may register here.

From November 2021 through May 2022, One Earth Sangha hosted monthly gatherings for participants in the EcoSattva training. These gatherings will resume in the fall with the launch of the next version of the training. We hope to see you there!


November 7, 2021

Kaia Svien co-facilitated our first live gathering, guiding participants in an exploration of personal and global grief. What possibilities emerge when we understand grief as an invitation to greater love and engagement with our world?

Breakout Session 1 Inquiries

  • Name a local environmental issue and then a global issue that have your attention these days. Describe them briefly.
  • When global grief arises in you, do you tend to reach out or to tough it out by yourself? Who in your network has trouble listening to your grief? Who amongst your family and friends can you turn to when you are grieving?

Breakout Session 2 Inquiries

  • What I am feeling in my body now about what we are learning includes…
  • The journey from grief to lovingkindness and interbeing inspires me to learn more about…
  • My takeaway from today is…

Gathering Dates

Gatherings took place the first Sunday of every month, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern US Time, through May 2022. The full schedule is as follows:

  • November 7, 2021
  • December 5
  • January 2, 2022
  • February 6
  • March 6
  • April 3
  • May 1


We welcome your comments, concerns, and suggestions about the format and content of these gatherings. Please use email us at .