Picture of Katie Benvenuti

Katie Benvenuti

Katie has had a Buddhist practice since 2007 when one of her professors put a chapter from Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Being Peace in a class reader. She studied Politics with an emphasis on U.S. labor, economic, and social policy development and went on to become an organic farm administrator and early childhood/elementary educator, all the while on a path seeking inner healing and wholeness. Her practice helped her uncover a profound connection with the Earth that filled a longing she’d felt for much of her life. The ground beneath her feet became her home, and this mutual love with the Earth inspired her to get involved with One Earth Sangha. Katie (loosely) wears many hats in life and is passionate about internal and external liberation. She has lived her whole life in Northern California and currently resides in Oakland.

Faith Climate Action Week 2024

Our partners at Interfaith Power and Light are inviting people of diverse faith backgrounds to learn about and examine our relationship to our faith, food and climate this upcoming Earth Day.

Regenerative Solutions for the Living Earth Community

Regeneration Nexus is a database of ecological solutions that aim to nourish and regenerate broader systems within the living Earth community while reducing warming.

We Can. We Will.

🌏This year’s Climate Week NYC will take place September 17-24. A march with a multi-faith contingent kicks off this week of virtual and in-person activities.

Faith Climate Action Week 2023

Our partners at Interfaith Power and Light are inviting people of diverse faith backgrounds to learn about and examine their relationships to food, farming, and the earth this upcoming Earth Day.

A Get Out the Vote Initiative from Mindfulness and Yoga Teachers Across the U.S.


Talking About our Earth and Ecological Crises

Though most of us are concerned about climate change, we are not talking about it. Breaking our silence requires embodied awareness and skillful means, and is a form of engagement in itself.

A Practice of Meeting Harm with Steady Love

We invite you to bring your standing practice both into the meditation hall and out in the world with you, as an act of solidarity with life.

A call to defend sacred land of the Western Apache

Mining companies are threatening to turn a sacred site into a copper pit. Many Apaches are working to defend their historic homeland, and you can help.

Protect Land, Air, and Water

The Line 3 pipeline endangers the land and waters in the North American Midwest and the communities and ecosystems downstream. Join the alliance of activists working to stop it.

Interfaith Power and Light, Faith Climate Action Week

Our partners at Interfaith Power and Light are inviting people of diverse faith backgrounds to learn about and examine their relationships to food, farming, and the earth this upcoming Earth Day.