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Common Ground

Faith Climate Action Week 2024

During the week surrounding Earth Day 2024 (April 19-28), Interfaith Power and Light is inviting faith communities to join their annual week of spiritually informed Earth practice, Faith Climate Action Week. This year the theme is “Common Ground: Cultivating Connections Between Our Faith, Our Food, and the Climate.” 

They will be examining our responsibility to use agricultural practices that safeguard our Sacred Earth and how our faiths call us to respond with just solutions for all.

From the Organizers:

From Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week website:

Faith Climate Action Week is Interfaith Power & Light’s premier week of climate action: sermons, worship services, educational events, and hands-on-action to show that people of faith are leading the way to heal our climate. It is a 10-day period of activities in celebration around Earth Day. Through the actions of people like you, Faith Climate Action Week has reached close to 2-million people with more than 5,000 climate and Earth stewardship sermons and talks nationwide.

All major faith traditions call on their believers to be good stewards of Creation, and to care for their neighbors — especially those in our community most impacted by environmental injustice. Join IPL in highlighting this calling. IPL celebrates Faith Climate Action Week around Earth Day each year, but you can use IPL resources to activate your congregation year-round to care for the Earth…

This year’s theme is Common Ground: Cultivating Connections between Food, Faith, and Climate.

Get Involved

  • Download your organizer kit with suggested short films, an updated climate change fact sheet, faith-based discussion materials on faith and agriculture, and suggestions and resources for how to engage in supporting local action. It also includes postcards to gather signatures from the members of your Sangha to pledge to vote with the climate in mind.
  • Screen this year’s featured film, Common Ground, the highly anticipated sequel to the juggernaut success documentary, Kiss the GroundCommon Ground provides hope for future generations with concrete ways to fix a broken planetary system. The film explores how regenerative agriculture can help heal the soil, our health and the planet. DVDs are available now. Sign up to stream the film for free for your in-person event between April 15 and 30.
  • Host an event or see if there’s an event near you already.
  • IPL also has a Pizza Garden Seed Collection. Plant a pizza garden as part of your Earth Week activities with your Sangha. A popular Pizza Garden heirloom seed collection was selected by Interfaith Power & Light for its’ “climate-hardy” attributes. Order your seed kit here.
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Regenerative Solutions for the Living Earth Community

Regeneration Nexus is a database of ecological solutions that aim to nourish and regenerate broader systems within the living Earth community while reducing warming.

We Can. We Will.

🌏This year’s Climate Week NYC will take place September 17-24. A march with a multi-faith contingent kicks off this week of virtual and in-person activities.

Faith Climate Action Week 2023

Our partners at Interfaith Power and Light are inviting people of diverse faith backgrounds to learn about and examine their relationships to food, farming, and the earth this upcoming Earth Day.

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