
A Buddhist Response to Pope Francis’s Climate Encyclical

In support of Pope Francis' letter to the Catholic church regarding the climate crisis, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi clarifies that the time for denial, skepticism, and delay is over.

Earth Initiative Public Workshop

Come learn about the Earth Initiative at the Zen Center of New York City. This special workshop is tailored for other sister-sanghas who are eager to hear about the Zen Center NYC’s 5-year project to live in harmony with our mother earth.
For a day, a number of Buddhist leaders came together in Washington, DC for the first “White House—U.S. Buddhist Leadership Conference,” the subject at hand being “Voices in the Square—Action in the World.” In this article, Hozan Alan Senauke reflects on the moment.
The path of liberation is a call to boldness, to purposeful discomfort. In this article, Alex Swain from the EcoDharma Centre explores the temptation to use meditation as escape.

Discovering Our Collective Place in the World

"We cannot return to nature because we have never left it. " In this article, Buddhist scholar and Zen teacher David Loy explores the parallels in our individual and collective predicaments and the parallel paths that might heal.
We are planetary. The truth of our interconnection to each other and Earth is beautifully explored in this new film by three Dharma practitioners featuring some of the leading wisdom teachers of our time. Make Planetary part of your Earth Day celebration!
For one hour, use your power to change the world. Climate change is the great teacher of our interdependence, with each other and Earth. Open to this wonder by turning off your lights for one Earth Hour tonight at 8:30 pm, wherever you are.
We face challenges of an unprecedented scale. To meet them we need a training that roots our engagement more deeply than we've known before. In this article, Guhyapati from the EcoDharma Centre clarifies how we can respond with energy and patience to what the mind frames as "do or die” situations.
Deep in our tradition is the Metta Prayer, the heart-felt wish for well-being. As interfaith traditions come together this Valentine's Day at noon to pray for the healing of the Earth, Heather Lyn Mann from the Order of Interbeing shares this offering.
Supporting our hearts: Sister Jewel from the Order of Interbeing offers this meditation as a way to hold the vast complexities inherent in awakening to climate change.