
A Nature Meditation on Calm and Peace

Mark Coleman meditates on peace in the presence of wild things. How is it that the stone and the tree remain still, even in the midst of human pandemonium? You’ll have to practice to find out.

Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Trainings for the Mind

The founding principles of Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Order of Interbeing may provide clarity on how to be for those of us bewildered, demoralized, and faithful to the practice of inquiry on the right orientation for engagement with this moment.

Sometimes Just Be

Our friend the tree may teach us much more than rootedness: what steadies also sways, and what bursts ripe with fruit and flowers moves not an inch. Adam Lobel offers a dynamic teaching well-timed for our political moment.
Energize your 2025 intentions with Joanna Macy’s apt retelling of this 1,200 year old Tibetan Buddhist prophecy: Sentient life hangs by a thread, and so the spiritual warriors make their way into the pits and citadels where decisions are made, right into the heart of the barbarian’s power.

An Interview with Deborah Eden Tull

In this one-on-one interview with One Earth Sangha, Debra Eden Tull invites us into her multi-dimensional awakening, catalyzed by a near-death experience in Hurricane Helene.
How do you hold your grief with the Earth? Ten-year-old poet Ivy Wade holds her grief with the flowing river and the howling wind.
Earth is as beautiful as she is troubled, as perfect as she is pained. Joanna Macy appeals to the courageous self in all of us that desires to widely awaken to Earth just as she is and act from this seeing: we are inseparable.
Where are our relatives? We share 92 percent of our DNA with mice. 44 percent with fruit flies. Zenshin Florence Caplow opens our eyes to the family beyond just those seated at our holiday dinner table.

Buddhism, Ecology and Social Justice

Need a refresher on the untapped and transformative potential of the dharma for our times? Kristin Barker delivers the foundational understanding of One Earth Sangha in this 1:1 interview with Damchö Diana Finnegan.

A Meditation on Giving Back to Earth

How can you be a small gift to life? Dr. Lyla June Johnston guides us into connection with what might be our principal purpose for existence–just in time for the consumption season.