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Mindfulness and Climate Action


A Series of Online Conversations
Open to Everyone – Register Below

An Initiative of One Earth Sangha, Buddhist Teachers Collaborative for Climate Action, and “Conversations That Change The World” from Maestro Conference

We invite you to join a conversation as we explore the impact of climate change, its underlying causes, and how Dharma practice can inform our personal and collective response. Climate change, the greatest crisis of our civilization, threatens a sustainable environment that can support life on Earth. We have a short window of opportunity to shift this unprecedented challenge into a radically new way of being and living. To meet this task requires a profound reorientation of our relationship to the earth and its resources, including a move from our fossil fuel economy to renewable energy. Underpinning this shift is a transformation of consciousness from seeing the world as an object to exploit, to knowing and living our profound interconnection with all things.

As part of Earth Care Week this October, the Dharma Teachers International Collaborative on Climate Change and One Earth Sangha will launch a set of five online conversations with leading Dharma and mindfulness teachers, listed below. This introductory series will be followed by a three-month online interactive program for aspiring “EcoSattvas” beginning Earth Day, 22 April 2015. Offered free to everyone with the invitation to donate, the conversations will be hosted by Dharma teacher Thanissara Weinberg and One Earth Sangha founders Lou Leonard and Kristin Barker as part of Maestro Conference’s Conversations That Can Change the World. We aspire to offer context, guidance and a practice to support this extraordinary journey, as we engage the immense struggle of our times with hope, fearlessness, and vision.

“In this present age, so full of danger and confusion, spirituality and social engagement cannot remain separate domains each sealed off by rigid boundaries. The major social upheavals of our age-global warming, widespread poverty, war, ethnic conflicts, the violation of human rights, the cruel treatment of animals- all stem from a deep crisis at the core of the human mind. To heal the maladies that afflict humanity calls for something far more potent than international treaties and technological innovation. A more stable solution must be ethical and spiritual. The only solution that can truly work must begin at the foundations, within the depths of human consciousness. Most of all we need a global awakening of the wisdom that embodies timeless standards of justice, and a boundless love and compassion that extends to all living beings. But to heal the crisis of our age, love and compassion must serve as more than lofty spiritual ideals. They must become spurs to action moving us to work indefatigably to eliminate the suffering of others and to promote their long-term welfare and happiness.”

~ Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi

Join us, as together we can bend the course of history.
Follow this link to see the full schedule and register.

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In honor of Earth Care Week beginning today we host the first of 5 online, free conversations on "Mindfulness and Climate Action." Get all the details here. We hope you can join us!

Encouraging Sanghas to Turn Towards Climate Change

Join Dharma teachers and practitioners the world over in observing the second annual Earth Care Week, October 5–12. Let’s come together to celebrate love for the Earth and engage in wise action on her behalf.
Join Spirit Rock in their second annual Earth Day event. We will bring our attention to the urgency of climate change, and the capacity of our community to respond appropriately and compassionately. We hope you will go home inspired to act!

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