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Picture of Dr. Yuria Celidwen

Dr. Yuria Celidwen

I am of Indigenous Nahua and Maya descent of the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. My work intersects Indigenous studies, cultural psychology, and contemplative studies. I investigate the embodied experience of self-transcendence in Indigenous contemplative traditions and the way it enhances prosocial behavior (ethics, compassion, kindness, awe, sacredness, and love). My thesis on the “ethics of belonging” offers an earth-based ecology that engenders wellness and purpose through relational ecological awareness. My work emphasizes the reclamation, revitalization, and transmission of Indigenous wisdom and the advancement of Indigenous and planetary rights. My website is
In this practice, Dr. Yuria Celidwen invites us to feel into the unbroken lineage of living beings that have brought us into being.

Advancing Climate Solutions Rooted in an Understanding of Our Interdependence

The field of contemplative studies often focuses disproportionately on Buddhism. In this thorough and evocative article, Dr. Yuria Celidwen lays out the case for Indigenous contemplative science as a pathway to collective flourishing.