
Buddhists from around the world have been coming together in an effort to provide aid to those battling COVID-19 on the front lines, including indigenous communities in the American Southwest.

No Time to Lose

One of our treasured teachers and elders, Joanna Macy, guides us in considering how cultivation of resilience, relinquishment, restoration, and reconciliation can help us find a way through the civilizational collapse we see all around us.
Throughout the pandemic, the slaughterhouse has been a hotbed of virus transmission among its workers. But our compassion can't stop there. We are called to confront and remedy the horrific treatment of animals raised to feed us.
Recent events of racial violence by state actors reveal but one aspect of the tendency towards domination that is latent in our culture. Our work to end ecological devastation then necessarily includes the eradication of the persistent, shape-shifting, and devastating pattern of white supremacy, starting with our own minds.

In Service to a Suffering World

"The growing field of eco-chaplaincy reflects the increasing awareness that our care and attention must extend beyond the human.” The directors of a new Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training Program at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies aspire to cultivate the chaplains who bring compassionate response to all of nature.
Workers in any industry ought not be forced to choose between physical and financial health. And within the meat-packing industry, what of the brutal cost to animals of returning this sector to "normal"? Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi examines the layers of perverted value in a recent Trump Administration decision.
How historic is this current moment of disruption? Will we forever talk about life BCV and ACV—before corona virus and after corona virus? And what does it teach us about climate change?
With pervasive uncertainty and heightened fear surrounding COVID-19, Roshi Joan Halifax’s reflections on the occasion of her climate protest offer useful wisdom: “this situation was the perfect time and place to practice.”
With Manjushri's sword of wisdom, we need not shy away from the connection between extravagant consumption and the climate crisis. In this article, economics scholar Clair Brown links vast wealth inequality with ecological breakdown in the context of dominant culture's errant values ... and then she offers a better Way.

Mark Øvland's Courtroom Statement

What will it take to change a society's confused stories that have been building over millennia? The embodied practice of a few protesters at the heart of Extinction Rebellion UK positions non-violent civil disobedience as disruptive response to business-as-usual.