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Sacred People, Sacred Earth

A Day of Locally-Driven Actions on Behalf of All Beings

On March 11, 2021, GreenFaith International is spearheading Sacred People, Sacred Earth: a global day of climate justice action. Grassroots activists across a multitude of faith communities are taking action to address climate issues, however they feel called in their respective environments, guided by a statement and demands authored by GreenFaith.

The era of conquest, extraction, and exploitation has given way to cooperation and community. The good life is one of connectedness—with each other and all of nature.GreenFaith International: Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Acting on GreenFaith’s ten demands, grassroots faith activists are calling for climate justice. Following globally sensitive COVID-safe guidelines, we’re gathering in small, socially-distanced groups or virtually to activate our shared moral power for climate justice.

Get Involved

Utilize shared power for climate justice

GreenFaith’s event is a call to people of diverse faiths and spiritualities across the globe to get involved in climate activism however it makes sense for them:

  • A group of Buddhists in New York are working on Green New Deal policy advocacy and are planning to highlight their work on March 11.
  • Another Buddhist group is planning to meditate on their Capitol steps with signs that say, “Faith communities call for bold climate action.”
  • One Christian woman from a small Canadian oil town is starting a conversation in her community about the long term effects of using fossil fuels.
  • Some groups are using the event to launch ongoing campaigns for climate justice that don’t end with this day. For example, a rural African community will begin negotiations with their local logging company to discuss environmental impacts and working conditions.

A variety of actions are possible, and indeed necessary. You are invited to initiate an event that directly impacts your local community or raises awareness around a key issue.

As we face conditions that tempt us to turn away in despair, faith institutions—which represent 85% of the world’s population—can and must do much more. The world is crying out for change.
GreenFaith International: Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Where to Start

  • Sign the statement of climate demands. GreenFaith will present the signatures to world leaders at COP26.
  • No event near you? Plan an event in your community.
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