For one hour, use your power to change the world. Climate change is the great teacher of our interdependence, with each other and Earth. Open to this wonder by turning off your lights for one Earth Hour tonight at 8:30 pm, wherever you are.
We face challenges of an unprecedented scale. To meet them we need a training that roots our engagement more deeply than we've known before. In this article, Guhyapati from the EcoDharma Centre clarifies how we can respond with energy and patience to what the mind frames as "do or die” situations.
Deep in our tradition is the Metta Prayer, the heart-felt wish for well-being. As interfaith traditions come together this Valentine's Day at noon to pray for the healing of the Earth, Heather Lyn Mann from the Order of Interbeing shares this offering.
Supporting our hearts: Sister Jewel from the Order of Interbeing offers this meditation as a way to hold the vast complexities inherent in awakening to climate change.
“Make of yourself a light,” the Buddha advised. On Sunday evening December 7th, spiritual traditions of all kinds will join together in a global candlelight vigil to support a strong outcome at the UN climate change negotiations in Lima, Peru. Can you add your light?
“Things are getting worse and worse and better and better, faster and faster.” At no time has this climate koan felt more apt than now. One Earth Sangha's Lou Leonard offers this update on climate science and policy. What a great invitation to be with uncertainty.

What does climate change have to do with Ferguson?

What does climate change have to do with Ferguson? We invite you here to look with us at the shared roots, the common patterns and bring compassion to the racially-conditioned mind, even your own.
The entire system of life around us is acting on the truth of climate change, even sooner than watchful scientists expected. Now it’s our turn.  
Joining with other spiritual traditions and artists, the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE) organized a protest against "Gross Negligence" on the part of British Petroleum. This is how we can "multiply our courage."
Fear over climate disruption often spurs denial and ends in panic or mental paralysis. Yet it may equally well give rise to samvega, a sense of urgency leading to wise action. In this essay, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi argues that everything depends on how we metabolize our fear.