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Let's gather a strong, mindful presence this April for the People's Climate Movement. Save the dates of April 2 and 29 and then start organizing your communities for this opportunity to stand for all children of all species.

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Mindfulness in Action at the People’s Climate Mobilization

Standing Up for All Children of All Species

Buddhist and Mindfulness communities in Washington DC and around the world came together in April 2017 as part of the People’s Climate Mobilization. Beginning with a live webinar on April 2nd and culminating on April 29 with marches everywhere, we confirmed our communities’ sustained engagement in the cause of environmental health and justice. Together we can brought the gifts of mindfulness and the Dharma and join with others in calling for the viability, dignity and freedom of all beings, near and far, born and yet to be born.

The image of Indra’s net, named after the Vedic god Indra, is used in Buddhist sutras to describe the interconnectedness of the universe. (Photo by Detlef Meyer)
The image of Indra’s net, named after the Vedic god Indra, is used in Buddhist sutras to describe the interconnectedness of the universe. (Photo by Detlef Meyer)

The People’s Climate Movement (PCM) was launched in 2014 when it organized the historic first People’s Climate March on September 21, the eve of the United Nations Climate Summit. As heads of state from around the world gathered, 400,000 people from every walk of life marched through the streets of New York City demanding bold and urgent action to confront the global climate crisis. The Movement platform includes goals to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas pollution to combat climate change and improve public health, and also to ensure that investments are targeted to help low-income people and people of color to access good jobs and improve the lives of communities of color, indigenous peoples, low-income people, small farmers, women, and workers.

The Buddhist gathering at the People’s Climate Mobilization is being spearheaded by a One Earth Sangha (as a People’s Climate Mobilization partner organization) and is joined by members from the Buddhist Climate Action Network (BCAN), Earth Holders Sangha (from the Thích Nhất Hạnh tradition), Shambhala, Insight, Zen, Soka-Gakkai, and other traditions as well as Buddhist Global Relief who have engaged in environmental/climate action previously or are now stepping up to do so.

Put your practice to work and get involved! Learn more  and stay up to date with our People’s Climate Mobilization event page.

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