Statements from Our Communities

What does it mean to follow the path of spiritual warriorship or to be an ecosattva? The leadership council of the Shambhala Community has issued a statement exploring the role of the spiritual warrior that resonates for all Buddhist traditions.

A Western Soto Zen Buddhist Statement on the Climate Crisis

The Western Soto Zen Buddhist Association's statement on the climate crisis draws from a long term commitment from this rich tradition to Earth, sustainability, and compassion.

A Buddhist Statement of Support for the Standing Rock action and Water is Life Protectors

To protect life, we must protect water. An alliance of Buddhist communities stands in solidarity with Indigenous water protectors, and your voice and support are needed.

A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change

The Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change. On November 28th, 2015 in Paris, this statement was presented to UN climate negotiators with other faith statements around the world.

International Dharma Teachers' Statement on Climate Change

In 2014, the global sangha of Buddhist and mindfulness practitioners joined Dharma teachers from around the world in signing this statement on climate change.

Feedback on Teachers' Statement

Dharma teachers from around the globe have been working since June on a statement that clarifies the relationship between the Dharma and climate disruption and the responsibility Buddhists have to meaningfully engage in the issue. Now they want your feedback.
An era of unprecedented climate suffering has begun, and it will only worsen without wise and courageous action. We call on our teachers to lead the sangha in facing this enormous challenge, and we invite you to add your voice to ours.