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The Fourth Turning

Earth-Based Dharma and the Rising Eco-Sangha

This EcoDharma Exploration featuring meditation teacher, author, and shamanic practitioner Spring Washam took place on September 18, 2022. Find the recording below. We welcome your support for this program.

Vintage Wheel

In its long history of shaping and being shaped by the cultures it encounters, the Dharma is constantly evolving. The Buddha’s original teachings focus at the level of the individual and the liberation from suffering that is possible there. This is characterized in various traditions as “the first turning of the wheel of the Dharma.” Subsequent “turnings” have widened the scope, purpose, and flavor of the Dharma, moving from serving the individual self to serving other beings and communities.

In this EcoDharma Exploration, meditation teacher, author, and visionary leader Spring Washam invites us to see these “turnings” as the Dharma’s path of evolution. She investigates the possibility and necessity of a forth great turning of the wheel of the Dharma, one that incorporates our growing understanding of interdependence with all of life and even the Earth.

Spring Washam is a well-known meditation teacher, author, and visionary leader based in California. She is the author of The Spirit of Harriet Tubman: Awakening From The Underground and A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage, and Wisdom in Any Moment. Spring is one of the founders and teachers at the East Bay Meditation Center, located in downtown Oakland, CA. She received extensive training by Jack Kornfield, is a member of the teacher’s council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in northern California, and has practiced and studied Buddhist philosophy in both the Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism since 1998. She is also a shamanic practitioner and has studied indigenous healing practices for over a decade. She is the founder of Lotus Vine Journeys, an organization that blends indigenous healing practices with Buddhist wisdom.

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One Earth Sangha and our featured speakers offer these explorations on a donation basis, with no required registration fee. We invite you to participate in the tradition of offering dana, or generosity. Your support makes these gatherings possible, and any amount offered is greatly appreciated.

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