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Resources for Dharma of Resistance (Working)

Registered participants of Dharma of Resistance can find materials here.



All formal sessions will be online on Saturdays from 10 am to 12 noon MDT (9-11 am PDT, 12 noon -2 pm EDT).

  • Phase 1: May 15, May 29, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 24
  • Phase 2: Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 28, Sept 4, Sept 18, Sept 25, Oct 9, Oct 16, Oct 30

Please add this to your google calendar if you can. We have also sent registered participants an invitation to this DoR calendar.

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Zoom Information

Zoom Meeting ID: 992 0069 4795
Zoom link:
Password: boundless

Audio only phone numbers (Please use this option if and whenever you expect your internet bandwidth to be slow)
For those in the US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
Phone Passcode: 725491674

For those outside US: Please check this link. Please get “free” numbers for your country. Make sure they work in advance of our call.

Zoom trouble? Try this

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Upcoming Session: Homework & Readings

Due before June 26

See resources for past sessions below

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Offer Dana

Dana, or generosity, is considered an essential part of practice and situates us in the unbroken line that seeks to bring the gifts of Buddhadharma, wisdom and compassion, to our world.

To maximize participation, Boundless in Motion offers this course on a sliding scale and at absolute minimal cost. Any additional support you can offer is greatly appreciated. Your donation is split among all Dharma of Resistance teachers according to need.

Support Dharma of Resistance

As part of its new Virtual EcoDharma Center, One Earth Sangha is providing a platform for this course at no cost to participants, or to Boundless in Motion. We warmly invite you to support their mission of nurturing a mindful and transformative response to ecological crises.

Support One Earth Sangha

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Past Sessions

Due before third minipod gathering

  • Understanding and Working with the Window of Tolerance (10-12 minute reading)
  • Minipod gathering: Suggested agenda and prompts for the group (~2 hours)
  • Slides on Trauma and Windows of Tolerance from June 12th (Powerpoint PDF)
    • These slides are for viewing by course participants only. Please don’t print. Please don’t share these slides with people outside this course. This contains copyrighted images from the facilitators as well as collaborators outside this course that we do not have permission to share.

Due before June 12

Due before second minipod gathering

Due before May 29

For Individual reading

Due before first minipod gathering

For Individual reading

Individual homework

Mini-pod gathering

Due before May 15

Prepare for the first gathering:
In our first session we will be opening with a ceremony to awaken our collective love. What do you love that reminds you of the truth of ‘Interbeing’? What do you find beautiful (people, places, ecosystems, more-than-human beings)? Who/what are you willing to struggle for? The word Interbeing was coined by Buddhist teacher Thich Naht Hahn to explain the fundamental truth of our interconnectedness and interdependence with all being and all things.

Each person will have 1-2 minutes to share with the full group. You can bring an object you love, or a photo, share a song, a story, or honor your love through silence or non-verbal movements.

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