Fierce Vulnerability

Healing from Trauma, Emerging through Collapse

Join Kazu Haga and One Earth Sangha for this EcoDharma Exploration on Sunday, May 25 at 1:30pm EST. All are welcome. Learn more about this upcoming gathering in the description below.

Registration is now open.

The world is in a state of panic and injustice is escalating. We need actions to alleviate suffering. Yet if we respond from a place of urgency, we are only adding more panic to the world. How do we move in ways that honor that “slow is smooth and smooth is fast?”

As we face the poly-crisis, how do we escalate our actions without escalating a worldview that keeps us from interdependence? How can we view injustice less as a political issue and more as a manifestation of collective trauma? And how can Buddhist teachings and practices support us in responding skillfully to these times?

Fierce Vulnerability invites us into building a movement with the power to stop injustice while cultivating the love necessary to heal it. One that has the vulnerability to accept the depth of the crises we are in and the fierceness to not get frozen by it.

Kazu Haga is a trainer and practitioner of nonviolence and restorative justice, a core member of the Fierce Vulnerability Network, a founding core member of the Ahimsa Collective, a Jam facilitator and author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm and Fierce Vulnerability: Healing from Trauma, Emerging through Collapse. He works with incarcerated people, youth, and activists from around the country and has over 25 years of experience in nonviolence and social change work. He is a resident of the Canticle Farm community on Lisjan Ohlone land, Oakland, CA, where he lives with his family. You can find out more about his work at his website.

     Pieces on One Earth Sangha
Registration for this exploration is open now. This program is donation-based, with no required registration fee. We welcome your contributions to support this program and the work of One Earth Sangha.

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