Upcoming Events from Our Networks

One Earth Sangha shares local and online events from around the world that express a Buddhist / mindfulness response to ecological crises.

If you would like to suggest an event for inclusion, use the "Contact Us" link in the footer to let us know.

With Adam Lobel

This is not about Elon Musk. This is about the new forms of authority now shaping our world. This is about the relationships between climate crisis, coloniality, and emerging technologies. This is about developing the practices and perspectives we need to resist, survive, and play with these forms of power. This is about the Emerging Legacies Of Neocolonialism, ELON.

How to Live in Dangerous Times

David Loy, author, activist and Zen teacher, will make the case that the Bodhisattva Path, understood in a non-sectarian way, as the most important thing that Buddhism can offer today.

Living after the End of the World

Sam Mickey articulates ways in which the ideas, attitudes, styles, and practices associated with existentialism are being renewed in response to the historically unprecedented ecological challenges facing humans and all life on Earth.

A Global Perspective on the State of the Earth, Her Threats and Friends

Join David Loy for the first session in a 5-part series where we want to deepen our practice as Earth Stewards, share global perspectives and local experience, and invite you to join our Ecosattva community.
Climate cafés focus on feelings; no feeling is too difficult or taboo to discuss. Participants are invited to share as much or as little as they are comfortable with. Our events are only available for individuals 16 years of age and older residing in Canada.

RACISM, with Ruth King

Join us on one or two Sundays each month, in the continued commitment to social and environmental engagement and justice in this very complex time, to exploring the roots of structural violence in our social systems, and to engaging in the world in a courageous way based on contemplative practice and views that actualize non-separateness, interbeing, equity, compassion, justice, integrity, courage, dignity, and unshakable awareness.

A Pathways to Planetary Health Virtual Forum

Mary Evelyn Tucker and Peter Senge will join us to explore the intersection of ecology, Confucian thought, and transformational change.

Finding Refuge in an Earth Based Lineage

Lama Willa Blythe Baker and Lama Liz Monson, in collaboration with the Council on the Uncertain Human Future, invite you to join us for an interactive series of gatherings in which we explore the deepest promise of our practice: to attend and transform our collective trauma around the climate emergency and to encounter the truth of non-separation.

Grief Ritual Training with Francis Weller

This grief ritual training is based on the body of work developed by Francis Weller and is specifically tailored for individuals who are climate- and polycrisis-aware. Through this training, you will receive teachings and experiential practices that guide you in navigating the intense emotional terrain that arises in grief ritual spaces.
War and the Environment is a six-week online course with a strong emphasis on reflective practice, collaborative learning, and community building throughout. As wars, preparations for wars, and environmental destruction escalate—and much of the focus remains on human conflict—it is vital to better understand and respond to the far-reaching impacts of war and militarism on people, all living beings, and the planet. This course empowers you to do just that