Picture of Tashi Black

Tashi Black

Tashi has been a Buddhist practitioner since 2015, and he spent 18 months as a temporary monastic at Gampo Abbey. His practice has helped him recognize the awesome magnitude of the ecological crisis, as well as its deep interpenetration with racial, gender, economic, and other forms of injustice. He is most interested in person-to-person transformation of ecological and social consciousness, as well as the great spiritual potential of this radically uncertain time. He began volunteering with One Earth Sangha in 2018 and served as Assistant Director until 2024.

Vows, Resolutions, and Right Resolve

In a culture that in some ways wants us to feel inadequate, it's worth examining how we relate to our resolutions.
Can those of us embedded within modernity—particularly those who materially benefit from it—learn to live against it?
How might we find and build communities that nourish practice, engagement, and our very being? One Earth Sangha assistant director Tashi Black facilitated this EcoDharma Exploration on August 27.

Understanding and Countering Implicative Denial

If your life feels out of sync with what you know to be true, you're not alone. How might we heal the subtle disconnections that block engagement with our eco-social predicament?
Many of us feel we have no one to talk with about ecological crises, despite the severity of the problems we face. Where does this ecological loneliness come from? And how might we break out of our isolation?