Picture of Kirsten Rudestam

Kirsten Rudestam

Kirsten Rudestam is an environmental educator, wilderness guide, and meditation teacher. She has a PhD in Environmental Sociology from the University of California, Santa Cruz where she studied environmental justice and Indigenous water practices. She has fifteen years of experience teaching field-based and classroom-based college courses in environmental studies and sociology, is trained as a vision fast guide through the School of Lost Borders and is a facilitator for Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects. Kirsten has been practicing vipassana meditation since 2001. She, Gil Fronsdal, and Susie Harrington are the co-founders and core faculty for the Sati Center Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy training program. Those interested in joining the program in the future are invited to contact them at buddhistecochaplaincy@gmail.com. The second training will begin in July 2021, with applications opening winter of 2020-21.

Eco-Chaplaincy as Compassion in Action

How might we offer spiritual nourishment to one another as we encounter the eco-social crises of our time? In this talk, Kirsten Rudestam describes the art and practice chaplaincy to our community.

Eco-Chaplaincy as Compassion in Action

What is it to chaplain one another through the eco-social crises of our time? Kirsten Rudestam led this EcoDharma Exploration on June 25.

No Time to Lose

Young people are voicing grief about the loss of their world—and organizing to stop it. Kirsten Rudestam, a young dharma teacher herself, asks us to heed their calls.

In Service to a Suffering World

"The growing field of eco-chaplaincy reflects the increasing awareness that our care and attention must extend beyond the human.” The directors of a new Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training Program at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies aspire to cultivate the chaplains who bring compassionate response to all of nature.