Welcome to One Earth Sangha

Earth Horizon

Welcome to One Earth Sangha. This site has just been born, and is poised for rapid growth. In coordination with Gaia House in the UK and Green Sangha in the Bay Area, we’re currently hosting the Request for Teachings letter to teachers in the Insight Tradition to contemplate the Dharma of and engage sanghas on climate suffering. We will take all the signatures on this request, hopefully thousands from sanghas everywhere, to the upcoming International Vipassana Teachers Meeting at Spirit Rock. If this an important concern to you please sign, share and spread the word!

Beginning this summer, One Earth Sangha will offer much more. We’ll gather, share and cultivate the Dharma perspective on climate change. We’ll give sangha members who care about climate change and other threats to our mother Earth ways to connect and support one another in practicing wise response. And we’ll keep you informed of opportunities to lend an honest and kind perspective, a Buddhist voice, to the larger conversation on protecting all beings from the harm of climate change.

Our mission is to support awakening and responding to climate change and other threats through education, sustainable living and careful advocacy. We explore the teachings of the Buddhist path and how they can inform, support and motivate this work. We recognize the critical role that sangha plays in this work. We need each other. Therefore, we are committed to making connections that bring together a variety of environmental, cultural, racial, socioeconomic, Buddhist lineage and faith voices all to deepen our practice of responding to the call of our home.

Welcome again to One Earth Sangha. Read more about us and check out our burgeoning links page. We encourage you to share comments that tell us who you are and what you would like to explore in this space.

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