Update on Climate Mobilization


As most of you know, after the heartbreaking attacks in Paris 10 days ago, the French government has decided to cancel most of the public events for the two weeks of the negotiations. This includes the two major mobilizations that the global advocacy community has been  planning since Warsaw: one before the opening day of the talks, on November 29th to set the tone for the 130 heads of state speaking the following day, and another planned for the day after the talks, on December 12th to send a strong signal that the Paris is only the beginning of a new era of climate action.

After the announcement last week, civil society led by ‘Coalition Climat 21’ a group of French NGOs, shifted focus from Paris to solidarity marches around the globe. The campaign – called “March for Me” – will place even more energy on events in cities around the world; further information about events and social media-driven ‘virtual mobilizations’ is available at the March4Me website and a calendar of hundreds of solidarity events around the world can be found at the Global Climate March website. Just enter your city to find out more. While it’s Thanksgiving weekend in the US, organizers are still hoping for a big turnout.

In addition to these events, there are other engagement options that are more closely linked to the mindfulness community. We encourage you to gather at a Global Climate March on Sunday with other members of the our community as well as other faith groups.

You and your sangha can also participate in the 5-point Global Climate Prayer, organized by members of the Thích Nhất Hạnh community. For more about that opportunity, see our dedicated page.

In addition, a new idea has emerged since the Paris attacks to institute a mindful moment of silence at the start of the climate negotiations meetings, beginning on Monday’s head of state session. The “One Minute for Earth” campaign includes a petition to world leaders and a pledge to join in a mindful moment during the Paris talks to contemplate a better future after Paris.  Here’s more from that campaign:

On November 30th at 10:00 am wherever you are, you are invited to join “One Minute for Earth” by closing your eyes, holding the vision of the healthy, peaceful, equitable world we want, while consciously breathing in and breathing out. The Climate Talks in Paris are about the atmosphere, the air we breathe thousands of times a day and that joins us to each other and directly ties us to the fate of our planet.

An ongoing global vigil will be taking place throughout the duration of these crucial negotiations (Nov 30th to Dec 12th). Regardless of time zone, everyone can participate in “One Minute for Earth” every day at 10:00 am their time, or the beginning of any hour they choose. During every hour of every day during the negotiations, concerned individuals will be directing energy and positive intention towards the outcome we envision together – a healthy, peaceful, equitable Earth. By joining in a worldwide conscious minute of thoughtfulness, you can make a change that could mean the world.

If you agree, please consider:

  • Visit, Like, and Sharing this idea on Facebook.
  • Following this idea on Twitter @1Minute4Earth.
  • Signing and forwarding the petition.
  • Joining the event.

As causes and conditions change around us, our intentions remain: to help create a global moment of solidarity for climate justice and encourage governments to launch a new era of climate cooperation that will help us all do more together than we can alone. Widening the circle of mobilization beyond Paris to communities all over the world will only help advance this vision both in Paris and in the vital years to come.

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