ways of looking

Tibetan Rinpoche Anam Thubten analyzes the gap between climate crisis awareness and action and then urges us to leave our comfort zones, embrace the Boddhisattva ideal, and close the gap.
Instead of click rates and ad buys, what if media outlets were guided by the ethics of "right speech"? Buddhistdoor Global explores the role of media in giving voice to the world.

No Time to Lose

How do we navigate the intersecting griefs of personal loss and centuries of systemic racial oppression? Belvie Rooks's journey toward healing shines a powerful light amid the darkness of state violence and ecological destruction.
Recent events of racial violence by state actors reveal but one aspect of the tendency towards domination that is latent in our culture. Our work to end ecological devastation then necessarily includes the eradication of the persistent, shape-shifting, and devastating pattern of white supremacy, starting with our own minds.

Facing Climate Change (Part Two)

The mind faced with difficulty often makes matters worse. In the conclusion of our two-part series, Bhikkhu Anālayo clarifies the role of mindfulness in managing our own potential for harm as we endeavor to respond to the cries of the world. 
All views are poetic. All understandings of reality, including "Nature," are interpretive. In this article, Gaia House teacher, Rob Burbea, explores how Western culture's views of "Nature" contribute to ecological crises and our opportunity to move beyond those limitations.

Caring for Our Common Home, Our True Body

Soto Zen priest Hozan Alan Senauke is calling for the development of a "Social Dharma" that would galvanize a global community response committed to maximizing justice and safety for all beings in the context of ecological crisis.
Our focus on sense-pleasures comes at a price. How we view our relationship with the Earth determines how we care for it ... or not. In this 2nd in our 4-part series, Chas Dicapua explores the roots of global climate change.

A Proverb on Equanimity Amid Gain and Loss

Generally attributed to Lao Tzu, this brief tale invites us to inquire into the nature of fortune and misfortune.