
Kaira Jewel gives us a lens on the healing that is possible when we see our practice as deeply relational, whether interpersonal, with one another or regarding the rest of nature.
For many of us in 2018, to track the state of equity, justice, and ecological health has been to feel a trembling resonance with collective suffering. We share here our reflections on 2018 and our ideas for EcoSattva practice in 2019 and beyond.

A Brutal Year Ends as Extinction Rebellion Rise

In this intensely personal piece, Thanissara reflects on the events of 2018 and the unprecedented challenges to humanity they represent. She invites us to perceive their deep roots in the domination mindset and how we can, out of sheer necessity, respond with a fierce clarity of heart.
Eco-Dharma...must confront whiteness and privilege in order to "create earnest inter-dependent communities that understand that different people have different privilege and abilities," and seek to act on that understanding.
Following the People's Climate Mobilization, we might ask "was that effective?" or "what next?" In her warm and wise letter to new activists, long-time engaged environmentalist, Sarah Vekasi, addresses the importance of a mindful approach to becoming and staying engaged.
"On April 29th ...I will be marching not only on behalf of people here in the U.S. but on behalf of people all around the world... especially those whose voices will never reach our leaders." Join Bhikkhu Bodhi and hundreds of ecosattvas at the People's Climate Mobilization. Here's why this mobilization is crucial.

Buddhism and the Economics of Climate Change

If economies have no essential nature, could one path forward into our climate change reality be a kind of softening—to accept the economy as a koan that helps us focus on what is right in front of us right now.
Rising out of the experience of taking the EcoSattva Training, together, a local group is finding the inspiration, courage and determination to heal themselves and their world.

Standing Up for All Children of All Species

Let's gather a strong, mindful presence this April for the People's Climate Movement. Save the dates of April 2 and 29 and then start organizing your communities for this opportunity to stand for all children of all species.
"What the Women’s March has achieved .... is the fundamental cultural shift from power over to power with .... from from competition to compassion." Dharma scholar Shaun Bartone reflects on our common cause for the dignity and liberation and all beings.