Session Two

In this second session, we will especially make space for difficult emotions, especially fear, grief, and rage. We can investigate the narratives that support these emotions and how they might be loosened, meeting our habitual defensive responses not only with kindness but with clarity, courage, and determination. This is an ambitious journey, one that requires not only safety and compassion, but also a certain boldness. We are challenging massive forces and patterns; Mara doesn’t go down easy (and gets back up). So we can also purposefully discover and nourish our wholesome ambition.
Resources for Your Journey
Living Earth Acknowledgment Meditation Instruction Inquiry Practice Dedication of Merit Group Resources Living Earth Acknowledgment We invite you to open your engagement with each session (or group gathering, if applicable) by practicing a Living Earth Acknowledgment. A Living Earth Acknowledgement can nourish our relatedness and avail us to truths beyond domination. Incorporating our ecological nature […]
EcoSattva Training FAQ
This is the list of frequently asked questions pertaining to One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training. General When does the training start? Whenever you like! All eight sessions of the training are now available. You will retain access to these materials indefinitely and can explore them at your own pace. Do I need to be part […]
Session One

In this opening session, groups will be gathering and all participants will be keen to know what they’ve signed up for. We’ll begin by gathering and reflecting on our global situation and the changes that are rapidly underway. We’ll map out the journey, ensure satchels are packed, and facilitate connections among travelers. In particular, we’ll be seeding psychological safety, essential to risk-taking, inside the course framework and among group members.
Course Resources
Course Resources Updates on the Course Resources for Your Journey Session Format Session Resources Course Survey Questions? Updates on the Course Learn more about the newest version of the EcoSattva Training, available now. Materials for all eight sessions are available now. Thanks to the generosity of Intersein Stiftung (Interbeing Foundation), German subtitles are now available […]
EcoSattva Training – Live Monthly Gatherings
From November 2021 through May 2022, One Earth Sangha hosted monthly gatherings for participants in the EcoSattva training. These gatherings will resume in the fall with the launch of the next version of the training. We hope to see you there! Recordings November 7, 2021 Kaia Svien co-facilitated our first live gathering, guiding participants in […]
The EcoSattva Training (2021-22)
Welcome! This page describes the 2021/2022 version of the training. The newest version of the EcoSattva Training is available now. Learn more and register. From the heart’s smallest jealousy to the devastation of global ecological crises, there is no suffering that this practice cannot meet. Join us in a journey of courageous discovery supported […]
Resources for Dharma of Resistance (Working)
Contents Schedule Zoom Information Upcoming Session: Readings & Homework Offer Dana Past Sessions Schedule All formal sessions will be online on Saturdays from 10 am to 12 noon MDT (9-11 am PDT, 12 noon -2 pm EDT). Phase 1: May 15, May 29, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 24 Phase 2: Aug 7, […]
Support Dharma of Resistance Teachers
Thank you for your interest in supporting the teachers who have made this course possible. Your donation will be split according to need among all Dharma of Resistance teachers.