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Connected and Embedded

Countering Consumerism with Participation

This EcoDharma Exploration featuring Desert Dharma guiding teacher Susie Harrington took place on Sunday, December 19, 2021. Find the recording and resources below. We welcome your support for this program.

What is it to live a life that acknowledges our participation in the flow of resources and energy, recognizing that this can have wholesome and unwholesome results? How can we embrace our belonging to this world as we minimize harm and honor the true impact of our everyday living?

EcoDharma Explorations are offered monthly for you to explore a particular aspect of EcoDharma as well as develop a sense of community. In this gathering on Sunday, December 19, Susie Harrington of Desert Dharma led us in an investigation of living courageously and responsibly in the face of delusions of endless growth and consumption.

Susie Harrington teaches meditation nationwide and is the guiding teacher for Desert Dharma, which serves many communities in the Southwest near her home in Moab, Utah. She has trained in the Insight tradition since 1989, and in 2005 was invited into teaching by Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, and Guy Armstrong. She was an outdoor professional for over 30 years, including years as a river guide, mountaineering guide, and backcountry ranger, and now finds her greatest delight in sharing her love of the dharma and the natural world.

Support this Offering

Dana, or generosity, is considered an essential part of practice and situates us in the unbroken line that seeks to bring the gifts of Buddhadharma, wisdom and compassion, to our world.
Any amount you offer is greatly appreciated. With your support, we can continue to make these programs available to the widest possible audience, regardless of financial circumstances.

Support this Offering

Another way to support us is to share what this exploration has meant to you in a way that we can use in our materials. We invite you to share a “testimonial” here! (select “EcoDharma Exploration Participant” from the dropdown menu.)

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Follow Up Resources

  • Desert Dharma
    Desert Dharma provides Buddhist insight meditation programs and retreats with guiding teacher Susie Harrington, with an emphasis on retreats in nature.
  • Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy
    Led by Susie Harrington, Gil Fronsdal, Kristen Rudestam, Ram Appalaraju, and other guest teachers and facilitators, this program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain, i.e., those who work to support people in developing healthy, compassionate, and mutually supportive relationships with each other and with the natural world.

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