Mother Earth, Here I Am

A Guided Meditation for Grounding


Pwggy Ward offered this guided meditation as part of One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training Session Four: Reckoning with Entangled Structures. Visit the course page for more information: At Home with the Trouble, Together.


From the Practice

We’re going to begin with just a very simple vagus nerve exercise that can help us at our core to let go of fear and things we’re holding.

For the next practice, we’re going to work with energies of grounding. This is from Master Dogen, a 14th century Japanese Zen master. Become aware of the vertical energy that runs through your whole body, earth to sky.

Now we’re going to move into a short guided meditation following our warmup of the vagus nerve and then our practice of grounding. So please enjoy three sounds of the bell. The sound of the bell is the voice of the Buddha within, calling us back to our true home.

So we’re going to begin here with safety. You can either look slowly to all directions or move in a slow way to make sure you’re safe. To the left, to the right, above, below, front, around, and say to yourself, silently or out loud, I am safe. Anchor that in. And if you don’t feel it, see what your body would like.

And as you sit with this knowing or memory or even visualization of a resource, just notice what you notice with your body, a body that’s been warmed up and grounded and in a safe place.

Find the full transcript here.

Dr. Peggy Rowe Ward is the co-founder of The Lotus Institute, a senior teacher in Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village tradition of Engaged Buddhism, and the author of Love’s Garden: A Guide To Mindful Relationships. She has her doctorate in adult education and an MA in counseling psychology. Through meditation, movement, and art, Peggy offers a path of deep insight that enables her students to discover and embody their most creative and authentic selves.

     Pieces on One Earth Sangha
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