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Dedication of Merit


Core to our path is the practice of release, not holding tight to the material, emotional, or even spiritual. Instead, we “dedicate the merit,” offering whatever we may have gained to benefit others. Here then are a short and slightly longer form of a “Dedication of Merit” developed for our community, our prayer that any goodness generated here be extended out into the world.

The Brief Version

May all places be held sacred.
May all beings be cherished.

May all injustices of oppression, devaluation, and theft
be fully righted, remedied and healed.
May all wounds to forests, rivers, deserts, oceans,
all wounds to Mother Earth be lovingly restored to bountiful health.

Blooming Cacti in Desert
© George Pagan III from Unsplash

May all beings everywhere delight in whale song, birdsong and blue sky.
May all beings abide in peace and well-being, awaken and be free.


The Extended Version

May all places be held sacred.
May all beings be cherished.

May all injustices of oppression, devaluation, and theft
be fully righted, remedied and healed.

May all who are captured by hatred be freed to the love that is our birth right.
May all who are bound by fear discover the safety of understanding.
May all who are weighed down by grief be given over to the joy of being.
May all who are lost in delusion find a home on the path of wisdom.

May all wounds to forests, rivers, deserts, oceans,
all wounds to Mother Earth be lovingly restored to bountiful health.

May all beings everywhere delight in whale song, birdsong and blue sky.
May all beings abide in peace and well-being, awaken and be free.

Picture of One Earth Sangha

One Earth Sangha

One Earth Sangha strives to support humanity in a transformative response to ecological crises based on the insights and practices of the Buddhist tradition. Learn more about our team or our mission and history.
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2 Responses

  1. Our Sangha leader in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada used your dedication at the close of our gathering. It is beautiful, thank you! I am delighted that it has brought me to One Earth Sangha – this is important work, thank you!

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