Awakening to Climate Emergency 2019 Wesak Webinar


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In connection with the Call to Declare Climate Emergency and timed with the annual observance of the Buddha’s Awakening to reality, we invite you to join us with your local Sangha’s and communities as supported by this webinar to Declare Climate Emergency at all levels. We can gather to commit the process of declaring a climate emergency together. We’ll be sharing resources, strategies and outcomes as we mobilize together.

One Earth Sangha is honored to host this session including the direct costs of production. We invite you to support our platform so that these offerings can continue.

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The time is upon us to take to heart the Buddha’s radical awakening and to apply all our practice, skills, and what wisdom and compassion we have to the task at hand, which is protecting Mother Nature and her myriad beings while ensuring a liveable planet for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.

Mother Nature is calling us to be truth messengers and change agents and to enact a radical, quantum shift of consciousness that mirrors our rapid planetary state shift. Through DCEN we honor this call by naming and embodying the reality that “business as usual” is no longer viable for a sustainable future. In particular, we call on the Dharma, mindfulness, yoga communities, alongside all involved in awakening, healing, and transformational work, whatever affiliation, to join us in this effort. If you don’t feel you fit in these categories, you too are absolutely welcome.

The call from Mother Nature, Grandmother Earth is now extremely urgent. We have almost no time left to act as protectors of life on Earth and to pull together to hold a ground of consciousness, resilience, and wellbeing. We need to move while we can, before we experience a collapse into free fall where conducive spaces to share and organise are replaced by the shock of societies becoming more chaotic and dismembered as our life support systems die.

Let us join together in our heartbreak so we can share and transmute our grief, pain and outrage into a clarity and focus that informs creative, joyful, non-violent action.

— Thanissara, with the DCEN team.

Featured Guests

This live webinar featured:

  • Thanissara – Sacred Mountain Sangha US, Dharmagiri S.Africa
  • Kittisaro – Sacred Mountain Sangha US, Dharmagiri S.Africa
  • Jozen Gibson – Brooklyn Zen Center, Youth Awake Project, Insight Meditation Society
  • Nadja Goldberg – Youth vs Apocalypse
  • Mark Øvland – Extinction Rebellion, Freely Given Retreats
  • Noliwe Alexander – East Bay Meditation Center, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
  • Suvaco – Gaia House UK, Extinction Rebellion UK
  • Charity Kahn – San Francisco Insight, DCEN Working team (Sacred Mountain Sangha)

This event was hosted by One Earth Sangha’s director, Kristin Barker.

One Earth Sangha strives to support humanity in a transformative response to ecological crises based on the insights and practices of the Buddhist tradition. Learn more about our team or our mission and history.

     Pieces on One Earth Sangha
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