

Buddhism and Climate Change

Vipassana Dharma Teacher James Baraz, co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California and one of the guiding teachers here at One Earth Sangha, invites us to engage in climate action as "joyful responsibility."

Caring for Our Common Home, Our True Body

Soto Zen priest Hozan Alan Senauke is calling for the development of a "Social Dharma" that would galvanize a global community response committed to maximizing justice and safety for all beings in the context of ecological crisis.

A View on Global Climate Policy

All around us, all the time, change happens. But some moments feel bigger than others. 2015 is shaping up to be filled with those kinds of moments. One Earth Sangha's Lou Leonard offers an update on the big changes underway, as well as how the Dharma helps him stay balanced through it all.
One of the most useful contributions Buddhism can offer social action is the quality of equanimity. Yet indifference can masquerade as equanimity, providing a kind of "spiritual bypass" that whisks us away from the difficult encounter. How can we know true equanimity wherein we retain our connection to ourselves and the world?

Kootenay Shambhala Joins the Global Climate Chorus

The Kootenay Shambhala sangha joins the Global Climate Chorus on Sunday, June 28, at noon local time as a proclamation of belief in the basic goodness – buddhanature – of our selves and of society.

Affirming Pope Francis' Message to the World

People of faith around the world are joining with Pope Francis in his message to all people of the world: the time to act swiftly and decisively on climate change is now.

A Buddhist Response to Pope Francis’s Climate Encyclical

In support of Pope Francis' letter to the Catholic church regarding the climate crisis, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi clarifies that the time for denial, skepticism, and delay is over.
For a day, a number of Buddhist leaders came together in Washington, DC for the first “White House—U.S. Buddhist Leadership Conference,” the subject at hand being “Voices in the Square—Action in the World.” In this article, Hozan Alan Senauke reflects on the moment.
The path of liberation is a call to boldness, to purposeful discomfort. In this article, Alex Swain from the EcoDharma Centre explores the temptation to use meditation as escape.

Discovering Our Collective Place in the World

"We cannot return to nature because we have never left it. " In this article, Buddhist scholar and Zen teacher David Loy explores the parallels in our individual and collective predicaments and the parallel paths that might heal.