From the Practice
Let’s take a moment and reorient how we experience our weight. Can we experience it as the Earth calling to us, reminding us that we belong to her, we belong here close to her?
What I am now experiencing as my body has been trees, many trees. It has been moss, and cactus, and whales, and honeybees, and flowers, and the stuff of spider webs. And it will be all those things again. How arbitrary it is to think of this body as separate from all those things. For we are made of them, they are made of us, we are from and for one another.
Anytime we want a pathway back to that sense of connectedness, we can just turn to our body and sense its weight, sense its points of contact. And we can know that this is our body being a body, but it’s not just our body being a body, it’s our body interacting with its larger body, the Earth.
The transcript of this practice can be found here: Damchö Diana Finnegan – Belonging to the Earth