Picture of Jason M. Wirth

Jason M. Wirth

Dr. Jason M. Wirth is professor of philosophy at Seattle University, and works and teaches in the areas of Continental Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy, Aesthetics, Environmental Philosophy, and Africana Philosophy. His recent books include Nietzsche and Other Buddhas (Indiana 2019), Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth: Reading Gary Snyder and Dōgen in an Age of Ecological Crisis (SUNY 2017), a monograph on Milan Kundera (Commiserating with Devastated Things, Fordham 2015), Schelling’s Practice of the Wild (SUNY 2015), and the co-edited volumes (with Bret Davis and Brian Schroeder), Japanese and Continental Philosophy: Conversations with the Kyoto School (Indiana 2011) and Engaging Dōgen's Zen (Wisdom 2016). He is the associate editor and book review editor of the journal, Comparative and Continental Philosophy. He was ordained in 2010 in Japan as a priest in the Sōtō Zen lineage and is the founder and co-director of the Seattle University EcoSangha (www.ecosangha.net).

Reading Dōgen and Snyder Anew

What can a contemporary poet and 13th century Buddhist monk teach us about systems collapse?