Update from the Green Dragon Earth Iniative
On June 21st from 1-3 pm come learn more from Shugen Sensei and sangha members involved in Zen Center NYC’s Earth Initiative. This special workshop is tailored for other sister-sanghas who are eager to hear about the Zen Center NYC’s 5-year project to live in harmony with our mother earth. For the first hour we will cover the nuts and bolts of what we’ve done, what has worked, what hasn’t, how it has evolved, its key elements, and the resources we have used. The second hour we will break into groups and address any questions you may have about how to take what you’ve learned back to your own sanghas.
Earth Initiative Mission Statement: The Green Dragon Earth Initiative is a sangha-based right action project of the Mountains and Rivers Order, grounded in the teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism and the Order. Its purpose is to facilitate effective and committed change towards decreasing our individual and collective destructive impact on the environment, while developing more wholesome ways of living that are sustainable for the earth and all its creatures.
Zen Center of New York City: Fire Lotus Temple
Phone: 718-875-8229 • E-mail: • https://zmm.org/zcnyc/
500 State Street, Brooklyn, conveniently located near the Atlantic Avenue-Barclay Center subway station.