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Imagining the Future We Want


This is an update from the local earth sangha, Green Sangha, in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, US. See more about Green Sangha along with their updates here.


“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.”  – Jonathan Swift, Journal to Stella (1726)

Sat Jan 18, 10 am – 1 pm.  Join us for our monthly mini-retreat in the lovely Sienna Room of the Edgehill Mansion at Dominican University.

10 am.  Gentle Yoga and meditation
11:00. Conversations about the future. Maeve Murphy will lead us in exploratory exercises from Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects, reflecting on our wishes and hopes for the future, imagining the resources we need to realize our dreams for the planet.
12:00. Announcements & actions
12:30. Potluck refreshments (avoiding plastic as possible!)
12:50. Clean-up
1:00. Closing circle

AAT conversationLocation & directions.  Edgehill Mansion is on Magnolia Avenue at Dominican University.  We meet upstairs, entering from the south or east side of the mansion.  On this map of Dominican, the Mansion is under the upper right corner.  From 101:  exit Central San Rafael. If coming from the N, turn L on Mission; if from the S, turn R on 2nd.  In either case, proceed one block & turn L onto Grand Ave.  Proceed to Acacia, which T’s onto Grand.  R on Acacia.  Acacia merges into Magnolia; veer slightly R onto Magnolia.  At T go straight ahead through driveway with large stone pillars on either side.  You have arrived; parking lot to L.  Join us in the Sienna Room upstairs on second floor to the R.

Donation.  Free-will donations support our programs of mindful action and cover the cost of rental.

For more information:  write or call (510) 532-6574.

Nimai & Danny at MSSThe deteriorating conditions of our world and the plight of other beings impinge on us all.  We are in this together.  Never before have our destinies been so intertwined.  The fact that our fate is a common fate has tremendous implications.  It means that in facing it together openly and humbly, we rediscover our interconnectedness in the web of life.  From that rediscovery spring courage, a deeper sense of community, and insights into our power and creativity.

– Joanna Macy & Molly Brown, Coming Back to Life (1998, p. 63)

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