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Application Review

  • 32 applications have been received to-date
  • 27 are approved
  • 5 are waitlisted
NameAdam Lobel
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(412) 953-2094
Approximate LocationPittsburgh (Osage / Shawnee lands), PA
United States
I have reviewed the course overviewconfirmed
Do you belong to any of the groups below?
Other Ancestry
Age Group40-49
Please tell us about your work, passions and/or talents with respect to the climate or justice movement

I’ve led and facilitated many EcoDharma retreats; co-founded a nonprofit-ish collective called Silent Transformations that leads seasonal workshops on deep adaptation within the Anthropocene; I’m a member of Over which is a direct-action group working to end the petrochemical and Fracking industries in my region; I’m currently facilitating a “tiny experiment” to bear witness to a Shell polythelyne “cracker” plant and create artistic interventions; I was present at Standing Rock; I work closely with Kristin at One Earth Sangha….

What is your past experience with trauma/stress healing?

As a longtime dharma teacher I work with stress healing in a variety of forms; I have lectured on collective climate trauma for universities and led climate trauma workshops for activists in XR, Interfaith Light and Power, and a few local organizations and individuals; I am a certified Focussing professional, which is one of the longstanding somatic therapy methods; I’ve been training in the Resilience Toolkit approach to trauma work; I’m familiar with Peter Levine’s somatic experiencing method and am familiar with the structural, political, and racial dimensions of trauma (as in Resmaa Menakem’s work and “The Politics of Trauma”).

What are your goals for participating in this course?
What are some communities you’re a part of that might benefit from what you would be learning in this course?

To learn more from especially the permaculture approach to activism from folks who have been on the front lines; to be in dialogue with other leaders around dharma and activism; to train in skillful means and the underlying personal work to further discover a comportment of action that is also non-action; to sense into how living earth and biomes are “activists;” to enrich the actions and dialogue that Kristin and I are exploring within One Earth Sangha; to bring back learning and perspectives and skillful means to the activist groups that I am part of.

Anticipated Registration Fee$1200
Are you comfortable using Zoom and available on the dates below?

yup, although I will likely have to miss the July 24 and Aug 7th sessions due to family travel

Time Commitment



  • Adam Lobel ()

  • Kristin Barker ()


The “team” that I’ll be working with is basically Kristin and the One Earth Sangha folks who will participate in the training.

Teacher ()
Do you have any other questions for the course organizers?

The spiritual teacher question is an interesting and challenging one. I have been a very close student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the leader of the Shambhala tradition, for over 20 years. However, since he has been unable to face the harm that he caused in sexual misconduct and abuse of power, I have distanced myself from him and no longer study with him. I also consider John Daido Loori Roshi and Shugen Roshi as teachers, as well as AH Almaas of the Ridhwan school as a teacher.