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Application Review

  • 32 applications have been received to-date
  • 27 are approved
  • 5 are waitlisted
NameRachael Perlman
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Approximate LocationOakland, California
United Kingdom
I have reviewed the course overviewconfirmed
Do you belong to any of the groups below?
Other Ancestry
Age Group20-29
Please tell us about your work, passions and/or talents with respect to the climate or justice movement

I’m in my third year of a clinical psychology doctorate and writing my dissertation on denial of the climate crisis among psychotherapists and among patients, and how to better integrate an ecological perspective into psychotherapy. I was a member of Mindful Direct Action (we would go to climate marches and meditate) before COVID. I do conflict mediation internally for Sunrise Movement Bay Area.

What is your past experience with trauma/stress healing?

I have done two long-term therapies. I started doing SN Goenka-style Vipassana six or seven years ago and just left the tradition. Before that, I had a committed hatha yoga practice.

What are your goals for participating in this course?

The most important areas of my life–my spiritual path, my climate activism/love of nature, and my profession–need to be united. I want a spiritual practice that emphasizes collective wellbeing through creating structural change in our society, as opposed to a solely individualistically-oriented practice. I want to engage in activism work in ways that are sustainable and make me less angry. I want to define myself professionally by my ecological advocacy in order to help merge different disciplines so that they can most effectively address the problem and counter the fragmented specialization that keeps us all distracted.

What are some communities you’re a part of that might benefit from what you would be learning in this course?

Sunrise Bay Area, Mindful Direct Action, The Wright Institute, my patients who suffer more as the result of an unfair system, my partner who also wants to be more engaged in this type of work.

Anticipated Registration Fee$1200
Are you comfortable using Zoom and available on the dates below?

Yes, except for May 15th because I will be on retreat in Arizona.

Time Commitment

Yes, especially because it is already becoming so integrated into my professional life that this just feels like continuing existing momentum.


  • Divyashree Rao ()

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Kritee connected me with Divya because we are both solo appliers. We seemed to share a lot of the same values for joining the course and communication styles. We discussed commitment to the course by asking about how much time and energy we wanted to dedicate, we evaluated each other’s mental health readiness for the course, and we discussed how we would interact if there was conflict (given that we are currently a group of two). We also discussed the fact that given that we are currently a group of two, we are in a somewhat vulnerable position if one of us does not follow through.

Teacher ()
Do you have any other questions for the course organizers?

Will you record the first session on May 15th, since I (and probably Divya as well) will be missing it due to both being on retreat? Also, this is may be outside the scope of the course, but it occurs to me that due to the advent of the internet since a lot of the movements described in the description, activism may need to look slightly different today and I’m curious about that.
Also, we’re still figuring out our team, I guess.