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Application Review

  • 32 applications have been received to-date
  • 27 are approved
  • 5 are waitlisted
NameTouko Kuusi
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Approximate LocationHelsinki, Uusimaa
I have reviewed the course overviewconfirmed
Do you belong to any of the groups below?
Other Ancestry
Age Group20-29
Please tell us about your work, passions and/or talents with respect to the climate or justice movement

Before I got seriously burned out by doing that I did various forms of activity and volunteering to improve the world (particularly in areas of psychology of well-being and creating a campaign to make scientific research better, e.g. However, it is uncertain if these can be called activism per se and they certainly weren’t directly linked to climate issues, social justice or any organizations in such areas.
During my recovery from my burnout I reconsidered my work and passions and I am currently involved in Boundless in Motion sangha (which also runs this course). I wish to be able to as I recover to become a some kind of activist. I probably can not participate in high-risk activities (activities that risk getting arrested and sentenced) due to my different nationality, but I wish I can find creative ways both in person as well as from distance to contribute both climate and justice causes and help others doing more risky actions.

What is your past experience with trauma/stress healing?

During my burnout which made me unable to work or study for 1,5 years I found out that obsessively trying to improve the world had build up substantial trauma and issues inside me (note: there were other reasons to my burnout as well but that was a key one). I had ignored many things during this time, including normal social connections, my family, health, work-rest balance, natural environment and so on. I had strong spiritual competences that made me able to be in peace with these difficulties, but I needed new methods and help to start recover.

During this recovery I have benefitted various forms of therapy and self-therapy including internal family systems and other therapy methods. Also more physical forms of healing such as yoga, have been valuable. But sharing circles as well as spiritual practices practiced/recommended via Boundless in motion sangha have been particularly important (e.g. certain type of metta practice was crucial in the process of healing physical tensions I experienced).

What are your goals for participating in this course?

I feel I don’t want to set strict goals for myself. A key thing for me is to participate, and I hope this course would be an important episode for me in the process of becoming some kind of activist as well as deepen connections between our Sangha as well as the members of our minipod.

What are some communities you’re a part of that might benefit from what you would be learning in this course?

I wish our Sangha would benefit from this. I am recovering from burnout and I am not therefore active in other activism related communities currently.

Anticipated Registration Fee$600
Are you comfortable using Zoom and available on the dates below?


Time Commitment



  • Nobuko Hori ()

  • Mylene Vialard ()

  • Ralph Burns ()

  • Flynn Johnson ()

  • Cory Sevin ()


Nobuko and Mylene part of same sangha, others are Mylene’s close contacts. (+1 other member will join, didn’t remember the name of him/her) We had first zoom meeting on the date of this application of mine and I felt there was a good connection between us.

TeacherKritee (Kanko) ()
Do you have any other questions for the course organizers?

The provided contact information of my teacher will probably be highly useful to you 🙂