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Application Review

  • 32 applications have been received to-date
  • 27 are approved
  • 5 are waitlisted
NameTchoren Carvalho
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Approximate LocationCampinas, SP
I have reviewed the course overviewconfirmed
Do you belong to any of the groups below?
Other Ancestry
Age Group60-plus
Please tell us about your work, passions and/or talents with respect to the climate or justice movement

My work on climate movement so far has been to take the Ecodharma course and then start my own 3-sanghas eco-pod in waiting for this (now) Dharma of Resistance course. I am also presently giving a 15-session course to my sangha called “Precepts and Climate crisis” and am happy to declare it is going very well.

What is your past experience with trauma/stress healing?

As a Zen priest associated to ZCLA, I have taken the workshops on Council leadership and participated in many Council sessions. In the past ((for 3 years) I was part of a women’s spirituality/Wiccan group that did lots of healing ceremonies and sharing circles too.

What are your goals for participating in this course?

My goal is deepen my understanding of what it takes to start and maintain spiritually-oriented climate justice/climate crisis groups. I feel that I need to learn a lot and mature a lot as a leader (myself as skillful means)so as to help people to connect more deeply and overcome their isolation, impotence, and despair about the ecological crisis.

What are some communities you’re a part of that might benefit from what you would be learning in this course?

My own small “Empty Hands Circle” will hopefully be the first to benefit. In fact some of people in my “Precepts and Climate Crisis” course are already interested in getting more engaged with the issues once the course is finished. I am also part of both the “Religious Board” and the “Social-ecological committe” in another sangha in the south of Brazil.

Anticipated Registration Fee$180
Are you comfortable using Zoom and available on the dates below?

Yes. I have been waiting for this course since the Ecodharma course finished. These meetings will be a priority in my schedule — right “up there” with my private meeting with my Zen teacher, Roshi Egyoku.

Time Commitment

Yes, as per my answer above.


  • Joshin Sacha Greenfield ()

  • Myoshin Emily Mary ()

  • Joao Pettena ()

  • Bruno Fernandes ()


I have worked closely with Joshin Sacha and Myoshin Emily in the last few months precisely in waiting for this course. I believe they are as committed and as excited about this course as I am. Joao has been my Zen student for the last 5 years or so. I see him as responsible and reliable once he commits to something. Bruno has been practising zazen in my group for the last few months. He is also in my “Precepts and Climate Crisis” course. I do not claim to know him well, but his engagement in my course has led me to invite him, and I was delighted to get his enthusiastic response. Jakuan has been invited by Joshin Sacha, and I have come to trust her judgement during out months as 3-sangha eco-pod.

TeacherRoshi Egyoku Nakao ()
Do you have any other questions for the course organizers?

As you know, our currency in Brazil is quite weak and even the lowest amount is a significant investment for all of us. I believe a couple of people here will still have difficulty paying it in one go. I trust that they can arrange to pay in a couple of installments?