Session Two

In this journey we are likely to meet fear, grief, anger, and other difficult emotions. In investigating these strong energies, we can discover spiritual resources that can help us hold them.

Session One

We’ll begin by gathering and reflecting on our global situation, mapping out our journey, and setting the conditions for empowered, compassionate response.

What Now?

Green-leafed tree on body of water under starry sky.

What can happen when we avail ourselves to the full implications of interdependence? How can we clear the way for this challenging and yet world-shaping insight?

Group Closed

Thank you for your interest in joining the EcoSattva Training! Unfortunately, the group you are trying to join is at full capacity, and it has been closed at the request of the group facilitator. We invite you to explore our directory for a list of other groups open to new members. Alternatively, you could create […]

Registration Complete

This page is for participants of the EcoSattva Training. If you’re not yet registered, you may register here. If you are registered, please log in: Log In We are taking a few moments to process your registration. Please refresh your browser window. If this message persists after refresh, please send us a message at […]

Live Monthly Gatherings

We are so glad that you are a part of the EcoSattva Training. In addition to the wisdom teachings on offer, we invite you to connect with the worldwide community of practitioners taking part in the training. No matter where you are in the training, we hope you’ll join us for our monthly online gatherings. […]

Individuals Seeking Groups

The EcoSattva Training

It’s better together. Below is a list of individuals looking for an EcoSattva Training group. As a group creator, you can learn more about or get in touch with anyone below, use the “View Details” link. As an individual, if you are willing to join a group that someone else creates, complete the form at […]

EcoSattva Training: Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions we most often hear about our EcoSattva Training. Don’t see your question? Please feel free to reach out to us at . General When does the training start? The EcoSattva Training is self-paced and self-scheduled. Session materials will be made available weekly from November 10, 2024. You can start whenever you […]

Resources for Facilitators

If you have created a group, log in to view group details and resources on this page. Log In Note: Group Facilitators will see details for their group and other resources on this page. If you created a group but are not seeing it on this page, please reach out to us at . We […]