The EcoSattva Training – Spreading the Word

Promotion Resources for Partners

Thank you for your willingness to support us by spreading the word about the EcoSattva Training! In your role of supporting others’ practice, and we hope that with your help, more practitioners and sanghas can come to know about the EcoSattva Training and use it as a resource for their community as the world moves through unprecedented challenges.

We provide the following to serve as starting points. However you choose to spread the word, we just ask that you link to the program page for the training as and you can always email with any questions.

Draft Text

How do we meet the suffering of the world when oftentimes it feels like we can barely hold our own? How do we find steadiness with so much not-knowing and learn how to welcome the uncertain? Going deeper, how do we bear the responsibility of being a human in these times with loving acceptance for our very human limits? What essential insights can we offer each other across difference, culture, and time? What does the more-than-human world have to teach us about our tasks and how might we learn to listen ever more closely? And stepping back, how do we contemplate these and other big questions and then live our way into answers together?

Significantly revised every-other year to respond to changing conditions, the EcoSattva Training is a self-paced, eight-part journey offering a brave and tender confrontation with our social and ecological reality. With support of Dharma and community, we can respond with wisdom and compassionate action to our aching world. Learn more here and email with questions.




Please feel free to include any of the following graphics in spreading the word about the training.

Download EcoSattva Training Graphic – Portrait (4×5) (PNG)
Graphic for the EcoSattva Training 2024-25: At Home with the Trouble, Together

Download EcoSattva Training Graphic – Landscape (1.4×1) (PNG)
Graphic for the EcoSattva Training 2024-25: At Home with the Trouble, Together

Download EcoSattva Training Graphic – Wide Landscape (1.91×1) (PNG)
Graphic for the EcoSattva Training 2024-25: At Home with the Trouble, Together