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Individual Seeking Group — Details

Group Type PreferenceIn-Person
Language PreferenceEnglish
Approximate LocationBerkeley, CA
United States
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I’d much prefer joining an in-person group (or starting one if there are other local people), but would join a virtual group if there’s no one to gather with nearby.

“Do you have a particular inspiration for undertaking the training as part of a group?”
It’s past time for me to expand my personal practice (sitting, reading, mornings on the Bay, hiking Mt Tam) to include sangha.

Writers whose work is deeply resonant include Barry Lopez, Gary Snyder, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess, Thomas Barry, Aldo Leopold, David Abram …. and Padmasambhava, naturally 🙂 I’d so welcome engaging with people exploring this space.

Surely there’s someone in the Bay Area…

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