Module 1

Recognizing This Human Experience


  • This Human Experience: How do I, not as a teacher but as a human being, experience unfolding ecological crises? What are my tendencies and strategies in this encounter?
  • Foundations of EcoDharma: What are some of the core principles and contributions of what we might call an ecologically-informed Dharma?

Live Session

Join the live session on Monday, November 21, 11 am – 1 pm PT / 2 – 4 pm ET

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 821 7526 7284
Passcode: 408790
Connect by phone numbers:


Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these preparatory materials before joining the live session.

Welcome and Overview

In this brief video, Kristin Barker welcomes you to the EcoDharma Development Course for Dharma Teachers and Leaders. She introduces you to the format of the course and lets you know what you can expect. (12 minutes)

Our Situation

Where do we stand, as people and as part of a living planet? Kristin provides a glimpse of the scientific and spiritual dimensions of ecological crises. (36 minutes)

EcoDharma Foundations

In the space of EcoDharma, on what might we stand? What has EcoDharma meant, what are its core principles and sources? (29 minutes total in two videos)

Part I (11 minutes)

Part II (18 minutes)


We invite you to contemplate the following in response to the materials. We will explore some of these in our session together as well.

  • What are your aspirations for this course? Why is a space like this important to you?
  • What did you notice about your experience as you viewed the video describing “our situation”?
  • What teachings or aspects of EcoDharma feel most familiar and in a way, already a part of your Dharma leadership?
  • Are there some that feel unfamiliar and about which you are curious?


Your reflections on the course are essential to our process.

After the live session for each module, we invite your feedback on that and another completed modules as well as general feedback on the course. Thank you!