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On the Path of Engaged Practice, the advocate and the contemplative are one.

Welcome to One Earth Sangha, a virtual EcoDharma center supporting a global community in the Path of Engaged Practice.

As ten thousand years of climate stability is ending, the call to develop inner stability has never been more clear.

Announcing a new offering for 2024:

Provocations and Possibilities for Practitioners

How does the Dharma call us to respond to our ecological reality? Kristin Barker and Adam Lobel lead this in-person retreat for practitioners who wish to discover and develop their own EcoDharma.

Updated for 2023/2024

The EcoSattva Training

Join us in a Course to Cultivate Wisdom, Connection, and Compassionate Action

EST Tree
A Brave and Tender Reckoning

“For anyone who’s yearning for a way to meet the often agonizing challenges of this time with a clear mind, a steady heart, a resilient body and a ferocious spirit, One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training is a beautifully-designed and meticulously-crafted container.”

Registration is now open for groups and individuals.

The Path of Engaged Practice is itself made sustainable by compassion, commitment and community.

Events from Our Networks

With Thanissara, Elaine Yeh, Djuna Devereaux and Yong Oh

Join us as we co-create a Dharma culture capable of meeting the world’s challenges with resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment to justice, healing, and mutual liberation.

Join the mobilization: May 3-12, 2024

On 3-12 May, people of faith around the world will be mobilizing for a week of action calling for an end to fossil fuels, a sustainable future, and a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty.

With Maureen Shannon-Chapple and Dina Aish

This day will be given over to experiencing both our deep gratitude for Earth, in her magnificent fullness and vulnerability, as well as our immense grief and anger, for the losses, ecological ruination and a culture of domination that denies and degrades our inter-connectedness and ecological unity with all of life on the planet.

With Ayya Ananadabodhi, Ayya Santacitta, and Ayya Santussika

As we find ourselves moving into an increasing ecological crisis and witnessing its impact on the planet and our lives, the Buddha’s teaching becomes ever more relevant and essential. During this retreat, teachings will be on this theme with an emphasis on bringing the path to the whole of our experience.

Campaigns for Action


Regenerative Solutions for the Living Earth Community

Regeneration Nexus is a database of ecological solutions that aim to nourish and regenerate broader systems within the living Earth community while reducing warming.

There is a way to be a human being
that causes all life to thrive.

— Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)

Featured Action Organizations

  • EcoMadres mission is to empower and mobilize Latino communities to fight for clean air, equitable climate change solutions, and protections from toxic chemicals.
  • The Eco-anxiety in Africa Project (TEAP) seeks to understand and validate the experiences of eco-anxiety and environmental-related emotions in Africans.
  • The Leftovers Foundation is a Canada-based organization seeking to ensure that good food does not get wasted.

Explore Buddhist and Interfaith Organizations


“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” -Angela Davis


Featured Calls to Action

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, urge your government, especially if you are in the United States, to insist on an immediate ceasefire. If you are in Canada, call for an immediate arms embargo. You can also support Support Standing Together, Combatants for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), all grassroots movements mobilizing for peace, equality, and justice.